Shared on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 12:08I just got back from the gym. I think I start all my Saturday blogs that way. It's cuz I have soo much time to think while i'm doing that treadmill thing. Oh, yeh, and I lost 1.5 lbs last week. Not trying, just not hungry, I guess....
So, what did I think about this time. Too much to tell, but there was something... I have been a member of 2old2play for about 2 years now, thanks to the gentle coaxing of Danlecrinque. I joined the 2old2play MTGO clan and, at the time, he was captain. I was soooo shy. I had never done the online thing before, playing or posting in forums. And, I was causing quite a stir cuz I was the only female in the clan. Did I know that? NOT! I figured it out before long, tho. The guys kept saying things like they had to clean up their threads and be careful what they say. Oh, I got it! But, they soon learned that I had actually heard it all and nothing in this world was new to me, and they started to "trust" me. Wow, I know soo many things! Fast forward....Dan is gone, I am not only captain but moderator of the forum, and BOSS!
I don't have very many rules....mostly just to have fun. But, there are some things clannies need to pay attention to:
1. Never, never, beat up on the captain!
2. Flattery will get you everywhere...
3. All Brians must call me "sweetness"
4. Pics are greatly appreciated...just post them in the "Eye Candy" thread. Oh, the pics are for me. I luv my boys!
5. The captain plays the first game with the new clannies. Well, most of the time, anyways. And the captain is supposed to win!
6. Ventrilo is not an option. I need to hear your voices. What do you mean you can't concentrate with all that chatter going on?
7. All clannies must declare undying luv, devotion and loyalty to the captain. It's only fair.....
Well, that's my clan. I get what I give, so I actually get quite a bit. I had to take a break from the online thing last week. I thought it would be longer, but, we shall see. Maybe just not as often. Personal stuff, ya know. I'm trying to get it together, and real life is real life.
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by pearly_54 on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 17:52
Submitted by Banshee3 on Mon, 02/25/2008 - 12:19
Submitted by DanLeCrinque on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 14:56
Carpe Diem