

Shared on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 06:31

I dread supper-time every night.  Well, not entirely.  Hubby has taken over the cooking, and he is starting to spread his wings a little.  Either I cook, or I eat man-food.  Black bean soup, white bean soup, chili, any old kind of soup, any other meal containing hotdogs, more beans, lotsa meat, grease, and no veggies.  He did discover this recipe for yet another soup that is really good!  Wow!  Oh, why soup?  Cuz it all goes into one pot.  He is the one-pot-meal wonder.  But, that is not what I dread.  He spends the majority of his time watch "his news", which I call "your damn news".  Did you know you can find some kind of news program, or talk program, at any time of night or day?  He enjoys programs that discuss, or actually, argue political topics.  He is the original armchair politician.  So, what does that have to do with supper?

This is how it went last night:

Me:  I had a pretty good day at work today.  Got out early...bonus!

Him:  That's nice.  I did notice you were a bit early today. 

Now, topics of conversation:

Russians, communism, his ex-wife, guns, Obama, a history lesson on select communists including Hitler, and god knows who else.  I have tuned him out a long time ago.  A little about his sons, Jeff and Brian.  Yeh, common  Then, a rant or two about current events.  And, all this in 15 minutes!  I have not said a word.  I know better.  If I say anything at all, it keeps him talking at me even longer.  So, supper is over, I clear the table, and he says "cya later" with a comment about how he is downstairs by himself all the time.  omg, why is that?  At least my clannies let me talk!  and talk, and talk......

I know he does not read my blogs.  I actually don't care if he does.  But he also doesn't care enuf to do so......  Is this a rant.  Yeh, in my own way, I guess it is.  I am just bored!  Well, sorta.....




ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 05:24
You went you tubing for fun , I am sorry. You know SNF is on so that is what most people are doing.
datawang's picture
Submitted by datawang on Sun, 08/08/2010 - 11:17
Ho-lee crap, how scary is this? Check please...
rumbagod's picture
Submitted by rumbagod on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 06:05
no comment! but the witcher has me by the balls again since they released the enhanced edition, spent pretty much all day playing it yesterday! and LOTR ftw every dang time!!
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 13:43
Shenanigans! What is NSFW about this? Well that wedding titty is about to pop out but it hasn't yet.
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 06:46
You're sitting at home playing with yourself? I didn't know they had those kinds of videos on youtube. lol
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 14:30
It won't let me vote. +1 for the tits and tats
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 14:36
WoW say no to Hello Kitty Tatt's
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Mon, 09/22/2008 - 06:55
Oh man, I figured it was football! Boo
Donk2o2p's picture
Submitted by Donk2o2p on Thu, 09/18/2008 - 08:06
i just threw up in my mouth a little
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 10:04
Its the time of year bud. Whatever the tech. term is somethin er other blues syndrome. Keep your mind and body busy or challenged and you'll be lookin' for more time! Peace.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 16:41
Pho is the bomb.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 10:12
Your mood will pick up when you get GRAW biyatch!!! Mike
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Thu, 12/07/2006 - 09:35
Jericho Ho
Lunatik-ZX's picture
Submitted by Lunatik-ZX on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 20:36
Fuck the Police... NOT! quebec police against dumbass ... police 1 dumbass 0 if it was always working like that here ....
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Thu, 12/27/2007 - 14:40
Work is pointless at this point of the year. Everything is held off till next year. Screw it, I'm going home.
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 12:18
Paragraphs are your friend! :)
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 12:19
microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 12:34
My skin thickens ten-fold as soon as the headset goes on.
BasBleu's picture
Submitted by BasBleu on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 06:18
Love me some Hello Kitty! :) (not on the forehead though) :(
Dahji's picture
Submitted by Dahji on Thu, 10/16/2008 - 06:20
Vietnamese food is my favorite! least it was before I moved to Wisconsin. Fuck cheese and beer.
SamuraiCoder's picture
Submitted by SamuraiCoder on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 12:58
Even if I have a crappy day, the only person I ever yell at is myself. When people start yelling at total strangers, they're just idiots. Or morons. Same thing, I guess.
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Tue, 01/15/2008 - 15:12
i preffer .. a Devil Dog i just cant get them here in Utah ... .. twinkies are kinna gross actually lmfao
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 13:08
shit, soup beat me to it (re: paragraphs) :p That's a funny story... did you tell him you were a chick? If so, I bet he hit on you afterwards. Guys are such dumbasses some times (me excluded, of course!).
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 13:24
insert CHUCKLE
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 13:57
well after i scoulded him like a red headed step child is when i was than ragged on for being a chick :)
JohnnyBoyFloyd's picture
Submitted by JohnnyBoyFloyd on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 14:22
There is nothing more satisfying than telling a bunch of punk teenagers ,who had just talked shit about how they are going to "rape" my teammates, that they just got their asses kicked by a bunch of old dudes. Get off my lawn!!!! :D
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 16:21
You should try bruising your ego. ;)
FatalPoison's picture
Submitted by FatalPoison on Wed, 01/09/2008 - 15:51
I have that happen WAY to often......I think I am an asshole magnet. I have been called a punk kid, a lesbian, and my fav a fat cow eating bon bon's (because as we all know no attractive woman can play games worth a shit). Some days I let it roll off my back and other days I try and put them in their place, unfortunately they are usually natural born assholes and in their mind they are never wrong so there is no winning or changing their minds. and in the end I think maybe I just end up embarasing my husband Whistler.....LMAO
wunderboy1's picture
Submitted by wunderboy1 on Thu, 09/18/2008 - 22:26
Good one man, have you seen the one with the fat cat that says "bring me Han Solo..... and a Cookie!
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 06:54
Just ran says I died 4 years ago! but it appears there is a really nice memorial fund set up by my 3rd ex wife....why my 4th wife didn't do anything I'm not sure.....the ungrateful whore. probably just after the money I made from writing those books.....running reports like this really help you see who your doppelganger's real friends were.
JPNor's picture
Submitted by JPNor on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 06:55
I work in the public record industry for the last 6 years and I'm still amazed at what kind of info tied to your ssn is out there. Pipl, radaris, Spock, intelius, zabasearch and all the rest all appear to compete but at the end they all shit in the same pot.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 19:42
Seeya in Chi-town........Fruity!!!!! :)
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 09:00
Whoa! That's wicked crazy
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 09:00
Just ran mine..... It is pretty accurate but the relations are wrong, so its fine.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 10:44
Just ran mine. Gotta love having a celebrity name. It found me and my linkedin page but not my facebook. It found all the Jonas Brother fans's myspace and facebook pages. Does getting a parking ticket count as a court case? It shows my parking ticket in Milwaukee as a court case. That sort of sucks as my friend paid it for me since he told me the wrong info on what side of the street to park on during a snow day.
jasontroyhimself's picture
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Fri, 01/11/2008 - 14:45
Soooooo.... True or false: You are eating a twinkie as you read this. =) Miss you Scentsy!!!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 10/15/2006 - 10:06
If Halo went to 100 I wouldnt care, as long as the quality was still out of this world. BTW: Dude get your ass over to the Scum board and sign up for some BF2 team action! Mike
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Sun, 10/15/2006 - 10:22
Yes like Halo sometimes its a continuation of a good/great thing. Other times I think its just a way to get more profit with less effort. My friend works at Origin studios (mostly Sony games) and he sez " I'm stuck in Socom hell", they have a smaller budget for the follow up. So now they are mostly reworking things so they just look different, he's bored.
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 13:59
I wish someone would create a service to whack you from all of these search engines and keep tabs if your name shows up and notify you. That would be worth a subscription charge to me.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sun, 10/15/2006 - 11:45
I think Halo will be done after 3. That's not to say we won't see another halo game, but it'll be something else. Liek Halo Wars was announced to continue the franchise. I also fully expect a Huxley like MMORPG to come out of Halo. That would have a chance of bringing WoW levels of membership I think.
Drost's picture
Submitted by Drost on Wed, 12/06/2006 - 15:34
ashley scott

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