

Shared on Sat, 12/01/2007 - 06:52

OMG! It's December!  I wonder when that happened.....  This time last year I was talking about being dusty and hoping to get a great Christmas present that would make me "undusty".  Well........still hoping for that!  But, the truth is, I have added creaky to the list, and I doubt I can be "uncreakied".  Time marches on whether we like it or not.

I have a date to "shop till we drop" with my daughter Monday.  We are both very busy in our own way, and for her right now it is trying to get her "old house" in the best shape possible for sale.  It's a pita to have 2 house payments!  The house they bought is just right and closer to us!  That's a good thing.  Soooo, Monday we will go Christmas shopping, and what I don't get done that day will be done online.  Now, my Christmas wish list:

1.  Get dusted!

2.  Lotsa Money

3.  Finish my quest for world dominance

4.  world peace

5.  Get dusted?

6.  Oh, i will come up with more, soon........


Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Sat, 12/01/2007 - 09:05
quest for world dominance? I thought you already had that.
JediJames117's picture
Submitted by JediJames117 on Sat, 12/01/2007 - 09:13
women already own the world anyway...well that is what my GF says...and she is always right lol

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