Shared on Sun, 11/09/2008 - 06:20For quite a while now I have been waking up in the morning with a headache. Not bad, but there. And now, for the last few nights, I have had that topsy turvy thing I call "the dizzies" if I wake up and, um, gotta go pee. My balance is bad, and I don't even really notice until I realize I am leaning to the right, more, and more, and, oops, grab the wall. Yeh, I always lean to the right. I have vertigo. It can be a huge PITA. But, usually it starts with an "attack", where I am nauseated, can't get out of bed, and the world is swinging back and forth out of control. Then I sleep for a couple days, and have a "hangover" until it decides to go away. That can be weeks, months, or just days. This is a bit different in that I have had no attack and it seems to resolve after I have been up for a while. The headache doesn't necessarily go away, tho, just the dizzies. Stress? Job or life? Dunno.
Now, another plug for fundraising....please PM me with ideas, donations, just wanna chat, whatever. For this to happen, we need a lot of help. I have heard from people that can donate "stuff" as well as others willing to donate services. We need your ideas, assistance, whatever you can do.....
I am pearly_54 and I approved this message.
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Submitted by Patty on Sun, 11/09/2008 - 13:08
Submitted by pearly_54 on Sun, 11/09/2008 - 17:29