

Shared on Sat, 11/06/2010 - 08:45

My blogs over the past year or so have been all about me and my real life issues, good and bad.  But, in the past few weeks I have had old friends contact me again with news about what has gone on in their lives recently, and why they have been MIA.  Most of it is sad, some of it is good, but I am always glad to hear from all of you.  Luke, I am soooooo glad you are better and chatting with you the other day was good for my soul.  Dave, I miss you.  Pregnant again?  Sheesh, I am the last to know.  Jeff, be careful, you idiot!!!  Beth, I am so glad he has not deployed yet.  Michelle's boy has joined the army!  Wow.  Marcie's little one is already, what, 3 months old?  Really?  Patrick, welcome back.  David (other David), sorry about real life issues.  It will get better.   Toby, still hanging in there.  Brian, where the hell are you?  Mike, real life just marches on and on.  And there are so many more that I have heard from lately.  I luv all of you, of course.  And, oh  yeh, my ex just went on a cruise and bought a new car.  I do try to keep track of everyone!!!!



Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 12:07
what should you expect from a friend though? because no matter how good of a friend I am to them....they always seem to be less inclined to be as friend-like all that time. I've lost alot of friends through 2007...some for reasons I do know....some for reasons I don't know. But in either case...I know I was the best friend I could be in each scenario. But what should I have expected from them?
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 12:13
Oh, man, I don't know! All I know is we need to do the best we can..... And, I guess, expect nothing in return cuz we prolly aren't gonna get it!
King's picture
Submitted by King on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 09:24
Thanks Chief, pm me and we can get something set up between ARXV, and Distracted. Take it easy brutha.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 13:07
I guess its kind of a toss up. lol. give all, dont expect anything...and hope they aren't gonna take advantage. lol but whats the point of having friends if they aren't gonna give either? Im not saying be a friend to receive....but with any order for it to work there's gotta be giving on both sides.
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 15:31
Gats, it seems as if we agree! and have both been hurt..... note to MJ: truly?
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Sun, 01/06/2008 - 16:03
fantastic post. You can't control other people, just your reacions to them. Loving the people around you is it's own reward. Will people take advantage, perhaps, but to live any other way, isn't really living.
COULOW's picture
Submitted by COULOW on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 09:56
El diablo is my homeboy, yo. What what jiggy jiggy.
Steedman's picture
Submitted by Steedman on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 10:06
We loves u meemoos!!!
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 10:26
wait, I think I missed something.....darn, now I have to read all the posts again. I know both 2o2s or 2o4timmy would be glad to have you if you're interested....and since neither have kicked me out yet, I doubt you'd have anything to worry about...
dixiewrecked42's picture
Submitted by dixiewrecked42 on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 10:37
ben in this clan for well over a year never played once with bunny skrote or meemoos they were allready in the clan never got a f/r or a game invite, seems to me skrote thinks he is the head cheese of all he purveys ...welcome down to earth man sounds like a bumpy ride oh and p.s no one told me to post or not to post meemoos and if i get booted for whatever reason i can promice you i wouldnt blog on about it , that would be somethin a h/ser would do
Cerberus4417's picture
Submitted by Cerberus4417 on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 11:15
An den? (just wanted in on the epic blog, felt left out)
Flywalker's picture
Submitted by Flywalker on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 16:59
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Fri, 12/11/2009 - 05:48
Oh snap. Look what I saw
clobbersaurus67's picture
Submitted by clobbersaurus67 on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:04
not so subtle....
omegamaximus75's picture
Submitted by omegamaximus75 on Fri, 12/11/2009 - 06:42
Sometimes a clan has to burn to rise up from the ashes... Good luck guys, and "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!"
TexasDave67's picture
Submitted by TexasDave67 on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:10
Im speechless. Not surprised, but speechless. I thought we were just playing video games here. Rules create a drama of their own ;)
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:12
Drink the PCP Kool-aid or GTFO. Hmmm, I'll bet the list of members removed today have a common thread....what could it be, what could it be?
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 11:46
dixie...guess your memory is gettin' pretty bad. We've played COD alot together--that's why you're on my FL. Remember? Klik, Hooraysushi, wmd urinal...remember now?
Armada99's picture
Submitted by Armada99 on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:12
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:15
The principle called....we all got suspended... FROM HIGH SCHOOL! lol
jagerwick's picture
Submitted by jagerwick on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:29
maybe it has something to do with starting and joining a separate COD clan after rules were already in place stating that wasn't allowed. maybe.
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Sun, 09/28/2008 - 19:19
video no-workie!!
OrzoKhan's picture
Submitted by OrzoKhan on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:33
Sorry to hear that Mee, you can always play a real game like Halo with me!
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 11:54
fuck how do i always miss the good shit
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:34
ooohhhh h I am in the mood for some good old fashioned clan drama! woot!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:38
I admire your ability to always tell it like it is. Oh, and to make me laugh my ass off.. :wink:
fatLUNCH's picture
Submitted by fatLUNCH on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:48
wow.. i lol'd cause they did the same to me.
pyro13g's picture
Submitted by pyro13g on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 12:01
Hmm... although I'm not in a clan, I think my very "light" friends list needs cleaned of a couple people in support of a truly f'd up handling of a simple matter.
fatLUNCH's picture
Submitted by fatLUNCH on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:51
2o2s is where its at!! :)
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 17:57
"jagerwick says: maybe it has something to do with starting and joining a separate COD clan after rules were already in place stating that wasn't allowed. maybe. " WOW! Did I? Really? are you sure or did you all just decide that? I guess I should REALLY join that clan now, huh!
itsbillykiller's picture
Submitted by itsbillykiller on Mon, 12/14/2009 - 20:22
I agree with lotus, fuck Brian Kelly. Asshat bastard.
pythonista's picture
Submitted by pythonista on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:06
FreakMullet's picture
Submitted by FreakMullet on Mon, 09/29/2008 - 00:20
hmm, the video still works on YouTube. I also tried a link for another video. I wonder if 2o2p has permanently blocked Rick Roll's. :-D
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:09
Jager : PCP put in the code of conduct AFTER arxv was created, in a response to it. Since then PCP has had a "Only 1 COD clan and it has to be us" or you are out rule. So no, the rules weren't "already in place". You of all people should know this. I was kicked out too meemoos for "inactivity in the forums and on xbox" Really?? I post more than 80 percent of the members in PCP and everynight play with at least 1 PCPer or another. But Slee and friends can't get over the fact that there is another COD clan out there AND that other clans actually want to play as a team and get better as players. Oh well, it was a good 2 years and I met a bunch of good people. I also met some douchebags, who I will not miss. **Cough**Cough**Azure**Cough**
Alsacien's picture
Submitted by Alsacien on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:11
WTF... You always have a place in xxbloodlinexx... We don't kick people for not playing because most of us have a real life to deal with...
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:23
awww! of course I'm still Bloodlines and Cabel and maybe more...I can't remember. I'm here to make friends and play xbox games with them. THAT is what it really is all about--not "who plays with who". Think about it...
El_Diablo's picture
Submitted by El_Diablo on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:23
@ it was not put in place in response to ARXV. It was already discussed exclusively but wasn't posted to the general public. That's on us. @Mee....when was the last time you came to a clan night? It's pretty clear cut in the COC what determines activity. Also, playing with members that happend o be both ARXV and PCP doesn't constitute gaming with PCP, considering they only game with each other. PCP is too big and growing by the minute to deal with people that want to be exclusive and create drama. This looks like drama to me.
P_Train_of_Love's picture
Submitted by P_Train_of_Love on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 13:08
Ah, the beauty of ClaNarchy... we play together about as often as Tiger has been faithful.
forsaken's picture
Submitted by forsaken on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:24
MeeMoos - You can always game with us, just send me a massage/invite, if I don't respond right away, I will! XX BLOODLINE XX Loves you, and will always be your home away from home!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 12/11/2009 - 12:15
Wow. I've played with many of you guys, both members and non-members of PCP, but please let me express my disinterest in ever being part of any clan with rules. Nobody gets booted from my FL for joining another group or not playing enough with somebody. Only for being a complete dick, and so far that's been very, very few people. I'll stick with Rebel Scum and Groundbaggers. No rules, but drinking is encouraged. Drop in and out as you like. You have a job, a family. These are games. We all get that. Anyway, you guys are all welcome to shoot me an invite anytime, and I'll cheerfully send you one if you're looking for a match in any game. PS - Fuck Brian Kelly, you lying, fucking douche. May you choke on a thousand cocks in South Bend.
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:29
I love it, too funny and pretty douchey but whatever, everyone rolls differently this is why I can't join an exclusive clan because I am not that serious and I always end up with my Clanarchy brethren who are my pals that I have known for years now, many of them in real life if you are ever looking for a relaxed game meemoos hit me up, I tend to find that the clans that boot me pretty much make the right decision for me
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 13:12
you should join 2old24tactics
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:30
Bnobs : I have played with Car, Zippy, Craw, duff, etc on NUMEROUS occasions in the past month. And have attended the past 2 clan nights(only for ah hour each) I also attended the mixer and have been in full pcp rooms in the past month. This was a witchhunt so you might as well admit it. As for the drama, I have never experienced drama like I have in PCP over the past 2 years. There is ALWAYS some bullshit going on. The drama was created within PCP and will continue to with us gone. There is a reason people have left PCP over the years and a reason why the original core in near non existent. Too many people and too much fucking drama. Having said all that, I have had tons of good times and games with you and I wish you the best.
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:36
ooohh! Massage coming right up :-) and for the record el d--when was the last time YOU invited me in on clan night? I played last friday with all the PCP people that couldn't get into the FULL clan rooms. AND....I've NEVER played with ARXV as a group. Only my FRIENDS who happen to be in ARXV. AND...I've never even posted in their forum...UNTIL TODAY. The only person who invited me into clan nite parties was SLEE (love him). Check your FACTS PCP'ers before you post something you know nothing about. AND ADMIT THAT YOU KICKED ME BECAUSE OF ASSOCIATION hs bs!!!
LtBlarg's picture
Submitted by LtBlarg on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 13:18
I thought this would have been to 100 comments by now. I am disappointed.
El_Diablo's picture
Submitted by El_Diablo on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:36
@Bunny....lot's of things you are saying I agree with. But my point is pretty simple and comes from this comment. "Too many people and too much fucking drama" You've always been against PCP becoming larger. You wanted it to stay small and exclusive. That's not what the group a small few decided to create a boy club that was exclusive to a clique. I'm not down with the drama and all this I see here....this blog and the shitty post you made in the recruiting section is drama. Everything was handled behind closed door and in PM....a select few took it to the public.....who started the drama?
El_Diablo's picture
Submitted by El_Diablo on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:40
@Mee......looking for an invite on clan night is a two way street. You know that. Don't blame me for your lack of effort. This blog post is drama.
forsaken's picture
Submitted by forsaken on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:40
Everyone clan or no clan reading this post. Take this from an old time 202P clan veteran - DON'T IMPOSE PLAY PARTICIPATION RULES. I don't want to belittle or offend anyone, so don't take this the wrong way if your clan does. Maybe it works for your clan, it's always started drama whenever I have seen it come to light. Trust me, I have pissed off some really great people, that I REALLY enjoyed playing with for trying to make my clan TOP NOTCH by enforcing rules, practice sessions, and participation,or by NOT allowing them to be in other clans. Here is an official Apology to members of: D1V1S10N XX PensionPlanCommandos XX BLOODLINE XX any others I might have missed... I miss playing with you. Eksessive and I started D1V1S10N XX, and fucked it up by making rules, Great people left. I went to PPC, and then started BLOODLINE and as soon as I started touting rules. Great people left. I understand the temptation especially with growing clans, but honestly wouldn't you rather have ALOT of great people to play with, rather then a small elite squad? Just food for thought. Again, if I offended anyone with this post that wasn't the point. I am just trying to help. Nuff said.
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Wed, 12/09/2009 - 18:42
I started the drama because YOU all started the drama. By sending ME some LAME ASS PM stating that I don't participate with PCP. Then I find out the real reason. WHY DO YOU NEED TO LIE ABOUT THE REASON? WHY NOT TELL THE TRUTH? who's really the fucking DRAMA (KING)? was I given a choice? NO! A warning? NO!
RivalJJH's picture
Submitted by RivalJJH on Thu, 12/10/2009 - 13:40
For those clans that have codes of conduct, I've left a full revolver in the adjoining room. Go ahead and end it.

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