Shared on Fri, 04/11/2008 - 07:36I woke up this morning with a headache. Bah! It is only 8 days until I run away from home. Stress! Why? Dunno, fer sure, but it could have something to do with the different agenda's hubby and I have. He is buying seeds, plants, bulbs, fertilizer, etc. and starting to give me assignments. My last one was to weed the strawberry patch. Done. Easier to do it than.... I am not working today, and it is supposed to be a nice day. I really don't want to plant things and weed things. Ack! I think I will have a hard time working next week. I wanna be on the road!
So, I am captain of a clan that has no game. Booooo. MTGO "went dark" a few days ago in preparation for a whole new version of the game. One clannie has beta tested it quite a bit and says it is not too bad. We really were quite satisfied with the look and feel of the game the way it was, but the lag and crashes were very, very annoying. For those of you that don't know, MTGO is Magic the Gathering Online. It started out in paper form as a collector card game. It is actually quite complicated and deck building is a huge part of it. You build the "perfect" deck, then "duel" with it. It consists of "creatures", "spells", and some other neat stuff. The whole objective, of course, is to kill your opponent. Multiplayer is an option, too, with as many as 6 in a game. As a clan, we are on vent most of the time. Sometimes we aren't even playing, just "venting". Nice. Since our cards are all digital, they are out in cyber space right now. Wizards promised we wouldn't lose any cards during the process of moving all the files to the new server. We shall see. My collection is rather small, only about 6000 cards. That is nothing compared to some others that have 15 or 20 thousand! Wow! What does one do with all those cards? Build decks! Of course!
note to doc: send me an email or pm! I need to know......Heat up that hot tub!
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Submitted by J-Cat on Fri, 04/11/2008 - 08:19
Submitted by DragoonTamer on Fri, 04/11/2008 - 08:29
Submitted by pearly_54 on Fri, 04/11/2008 - 10:22