Gym Thoughts


Shared on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 13:14

When I was at the gym this morning I just let my mind wander and ricochet and, wow, did I have a lot of thoughts.  Some made me smile.  Some made me frown.  Anyone that might have been paying attention would prolly have found it, frown, smile, frown.  Crazy Lady.....  Some of the things I thought about this morning:

When I first found 2old2play and my MTGO clan, I found that I was in the minority, which was ok.  We have a lot more ladies on the site now.  But, my clan is 100% male, except, of course, for me.  It remains Pearly's Stud Farm!  Gals have come and gone, but never stayed very long.  So, back to when I was new.  I was sent some PM's and had some conversations in game that were toooo funny.  The guys did not know what to do with me.  They were so afraid of offending me with, oh, whatever, that they quit "having fun" on the clan forum.  NOT!  They soon learned I knew how to be "one of the guys", sorta, and slowly I was accepted.  Now, I have been clan leader for over 2 years and luving it.

Which led to.....

I find that those of my male friends that luv, trust, and respect me the most are the very ones that will say or do anything, knowing that it is ok.  They know I get cranky sometimes and don't take offense if I pout.  They use language, talk about women, and tease me a lot, and it's all good.  I had one of my newer clannies tell me I was amazing.  Why?  Because I don't swear.  Well, I was raised to believe that, even tho it might feel good to say "that word", a very intelligent, well educated person will find another way to say it without swearing.  Well, that was my mother.  I hung with my brothers while I was growing up, and my best friends were male, so, I know those words!  So, to make a long story short, yes, I do indeed use some of those words, when it feels good and appropriate, but not in my every day language.  And I have learned to luv "WTF".  Absolutely the best and most useful acronym of all time.

And, of course, thinking about "male friends" made me wander to the idea of "friends with benefits".  I hadn't heard that term until relatively recently.  I know it's been around for a while, cuz I "researched" it a little.  It sounds like a good idea.  Why not?  Let's share a little..  What can it hurt?  We already know each other, so......  Well, the research shows that the friends tend to "fall in love", or one feels more strongly than the other, or potentially several other complications.  Spouses find out.  And, the worst of all, it ruins a perfectly good friendship.  Is it worth it?  That would be for the friends to decide.

I guess that's enuf of letting y'all inside my head.  And that was only a small part!  And, I cleaned it up quite a bit, too!  Ohhh, one more thing...

Mood for the day.....


I'm not getting older, I'm getting better!


Shashayla's picture
Submitted by Shashayla on Sat, 10/18/2008 - 15:23
here here! you go, girl...I'm right behind ya!

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