Shared on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 16:10I am back! I got back last night. Drove for over 9 hours to make it in one day. Traffic was only really bad around DC, 50 miles or so either way. Other than that, i put the pedal to the metal and sorta flew most of the way. Started out meeting an old friend that owed me lunch. i say he is an old friend, but I had never met him until now. Yep, met him right here almost 2 years ago and we have been buds ever since. Well, he is cute as a bug's ear and I just had to hug him all up! This is rumbagod, and he doesn't owe me lunch any more! Oh, and that nice little lady that is on the other side of him? That's Mrs. God.
Unfortunately, lunch was all we had time for. I wanted to kidnap them both, but he had to go back to work.
The drive to DC was uneventful, and we found our hotel without any problems. Great internet connection! Oops. Yeh, y'all know I don't go anywhere without my laptop.
We did the monument thing. First we went to Arlington Cemetary and the tomb of the unknown soldier. Impressive. All those graves and tombstones......
Just a couple pics. It doesn't do DC justice, but they are also well known and seen many times before.
We walked about a hundred miles that day. And it was in the mid 90's, sunny and omg, HOT!!!!! It was worth it, tho. Slept very well that night. Actually, I think I died for a while.... I did NOT look like this at the end of the day.....
Ahhhh, New York! I have met this clannie before, and we are brother and sister. Well, we act like brother and sister. We tried to behave with the spouses around, tho. The highlight of our trip was New York. We saw everything in the entire city that there is to see. Why? Well, we lost the car. New York is a huge parking lot. You just drive around until you see someone back out of a parking space, then you fight 6 or 8 other people for it, and, hopefully, you now can park your car and walk around to see the sites. One thing you have to remember is to make note of landmarks or names of streets. Oops.
We went to the "twin towers" that aren't there any more. Ground Zero. So sad. We listened to some stories. Everyone knows where they were when it happened. I was at the gym.
This is my online and now offline friend, Landmark, or Boomout, whichever. He is a native New Yorker. Yikes! We had a blast! The other two are the aforementioned spouces.
My "brother" and I on the Staten Island Ferry. Aren't we cute? And we look alike, too, on our mother's side.
Wouldn't be a trip to New York without including Lady Liberty. It was hard to get a really good pic due to SMOG and distance, but this was the best one.
It was hard to say goodbye to my new brother and sister-in-law, but we had to catch a ship to Bermuda. Soooo, off we went.
That's hubby and me, posing for yet another pic. See me gritting my teeth?
Due to popular demand, I had this one taken. Note that I am not completely sober. Oh, you can't tell? Ahhh, that's just as well.
There is something nice about cruising with the same cruiseline all the time. You get perks. My favorite perk was this little hidden room that you had a private key to. They had food most of the day. Ack. More food. BUT!!! In the evenings it was all you can drink, as long as you don't leave the little room. Yikes! I was lit the entire cruise! I danced in the "street". I reacted appropriately to male posteriors. mmmmmm And, I went to the quest. What fun! Men running around in their underwear! Wow! So, ya think cruises are for being formal and dressing up? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
So, I am home. What next? Thinking.........
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 07:52
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:00
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:01
Submitted by RoyalMartinez on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 12:08
Submitted by mrsleestak on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 16:36
Submitted by sicrik on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 12:28
Submitted by Devonsangel on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 16:41
Submitted by MikeJames on Sat, 09/15/2007 - 21:57