Hubby's follow-up MD viist


Shared on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 06:58
Today is hubby's next follow up appointment. His PSA has been slowly rising for a long time, now, but it is just about to the point where more treatment is needed. Ack! Been there, done that, hope we don't have to do it any more! I think if it was me, and I was virtually symptom free, as he is, I would not take the treatment. He has had surgery, radiation, and the side effects that go with that. Next is either chemo or hormone blocker shots (nasty, I administer them in clinic!). Chemo will make him feel like doggy-doo, or worse, and the shots "turn him into a girl" (his words). As I have said before, he is just a bit older than I am (21 years!). His family is all over the place as far as longevity goes. He has one brother that is 3-4 years older than him. Ancient! And, he has siblings that have already passed, one from lung cancer, one from an aneurysm, and one from complications of some chronic disease.... All of them younger than him. His parents both died in their early 70's. Soooo, he intends to live forever, and, will take any treatment they offer. Even if it is against my better judgement. I am only the oncology clinical nurse specialist in the family. You know, the expert? He will do what he will do. If I was his nurse, and not his wife, I would have "the talk" with him. There are all levels of "the talk". This one would be about treatment vs quality of life. Sometimes the treatment is much worse than the disease. He is currently feeling pretty good, although, he has slowed down quite a bit. Does he want the side effects involved in treatment? Doubt that! But, he will do it anyways. So, he will have his MD visit today, get his labs done, and we wait for the results.......


doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 07:21
As a cancer patient myself, I can relate to his wanting to make his own decisions and, luckily I have an oncologist who will actually discuss my condition and heed my desires. Quality of life is important, but duration counts too.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 07:19
What a tough situation to be in. Good Luck!
Lord_Galvatron's picture
Submitted by Lord_Galvatron on Tue, 03/13/2007 - 07:20
Penni, I wish the best of health to your husband! I hope evrything will be ok! -LG

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