Shared on Wed, 02/13/2008 - 08:28Well, I am upright today, but I have this really strong tendancy to fall to the right. Ack! Even tho I know there is nothing there (Ha!, did it again!), I might just get to the doctor to see why this has gotten so much worse in the last few months. 2 attacks in a couple weeks is highly unusual. And this is the first time I have actually taken off work cuz I don't have the balance to do my job. Nausea is much worse if I move around, so I don't! Now, my next challenge is finding a doctor! I lost the last one when he moved on and I hadn't been to the clinic in so long they told me I had to restart as a new patient. NOT! That clinic was only convenient. I want someone I like and will do a good job for me. And female! Hubby has recently taken the recommendation of someone he trusts and switched to a female doc, and he likes her. I think I will try her. I know, the questions....Is she taking new patients? How long is the waiting list for a new patient? Why do I wait until I need one before I go looking for one. Dunno.
One really annoying thing about being home during the day is Dr. Phil. Hubby watches it all the time. Today they are talking about molestation of children. Great. oooooo, she just said she didn't know what a pedophile does, and Dr. Phil yelled at her. Whew. Even I know what a pedophile does! Blah! Just shoot all of them. Or throw them in prison and tell EVERYONE he is a child molester. He will be tortured and killed, eventually. Even people that have broken the law are protective of children (mostly) and hate those that molest them. I know....... We won't go there.
- pearly_54's blog
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