Next step


Shared on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 06:16

My daughter wanted to do something for my birthday.  Yeh, I know, that was last week.  But, I was out of town, so we are doing a belated b-day steaks on the grill thingee Saturday.  And, my man is invited.  w00t!  This is the first time they will all meet, my daughter, son-in-law, and 2 gsons.  It will be soooo good, I just know it!

These small steps are getting to me a bit.  I met with my lawyer yesterday to prepare for the mediation meeting with the stbx, his lawyer, and us.  Both of the lawyers have their jobs cut out for them, and they know it.  His lawyer has to keep him "focused" in order to get the work done we need to do.  My lawyer has to make me participate in the discussion, and we talked about how she could prompt me and get me to talk.  I have such huge difficulty speaking in the presence of the compulsive talker/ranter.  As a last resort she is supposed to kick me under the table.  Hope it works.  And I really, really hope we make some decisions and start to move toward the end of the tunnel, which, atm, seems far, far away.

I am having very little luck, if any, job hunting.  Virginia has nothing in the area I am going to, and we are talking about finding a place to rent that is between his work (Williamsburg) and mine (wherever) so neither of us has to commute that far.  So, there is Norfolk, Virginia Beach and different things on the peninsula, and Richmond.  Anything else is just toooo far.  Bah!  I am very discouraged about that part.  I love the house.  Williamsburg is a great town.  We shall see.


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