Not worth a title


Shared on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 16:27
I had to go back to work today, slinging chemo.  It was actually a good day and I got out on time.  Rare!  But it was good to be back.  I always eat well when I work.  LOL.  Today we had cupcakes, several kinds of cookies, and banana bread.  mmmmmm...   I tried them all.  Even better are the days the drug reps feed us lunch.  That can be anything from box lunches (yuk), to pizza (better) to, well, really good stuff!  I'm going on a regular schedule now that the kids are in school.  I miss them a lot.  I think I am having empty nest syndrome.  They may be my grandkids, but I have had them so much they feel like mine.  Now, they are both in school, yes, even Adtler!  My littlest booboo!  Working more is part of the plan for dealing with some of the losses I have experienced lately.  Well, not all were losses, but I have had some STRESS!!!  Weird that work would be less stressful.  NOT!  Just keeps me busy.  Ack!  I'm babbling again.......  gone.....


CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 16:42
Pearly, no way! One day, I will be experiencing empty nest syndrome and I promise, I will love it. Of course I cried when my oldest started high school...but still!! Only 8 years to go!!!
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 18:38
I loved the "box" lunches! Even better, in my Ortho day--was going to a restaurant, on the reps.

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