Packing for Cruise


Shared on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 06:33

I'm getting out of bed at, um, 4:00 am tomorrow to get to the airport and fly to Tampa.  Once I get there, I will wait, wait, and wait for a transfer to the ship.  Then, the eating binge begins!  But, It is 7:00 on the day before.  Have I packed yet?  No.  Has hubby packed yet?  No.  Are all the errands, notifications, and call to the daughter done?  No.   Thus, the definition:

Procrastination is a type of behavior which is characterized by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite procrastination as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision.

For an individual, procrastination may result in stress, a sense of guilt, the loss of personal productivity, the creation of crisis and the disapproval of others for not fulfilling one's responsibilities or commitments. These combined feelings can promote further procrastination. While it is normal for people to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological or physiological disorder.

Ahhh, my list for today:

Hang out online for a while, drink my coffee, enjoy the quiet, alone time

Take a shower, get motivated, and go out and run those errands.  Stop by for 50 mins with the shrink.

Clean the fish tank, exchange at least 8 gallons of water.  Poor fish.

Eek!  It should be noon by now....have some lunch.

Start packing.  Nag hubby to start as well.  Get irritated at hubby for procrastinating.

Take a break from packing.  Hang out online....

Stop mail, call daughter, and other little things that will take up the rest of the day!

Charge camera and cell phone.

Look at suitcase, turn around and leave room.

Nag hubby to start packing.

Fix supper, eat supper, clean up after supper, yikes!

Stare at suitcase.  Nag hubby to start packing.

Check email, see what my boys are doing for FNM, play just one game.

Ok, this is it.  It's almost bedtime by now, I have to do it.  Throw stuff in suitcase, that's it!  Quit nagging hubby and force the issue, PACK NOW!

This is the way it goes every time we go somewhere together.  I actually don't care that much about how I do things.  I pack as little as possible, travel light, and can do it very quickly and efficiently.  Who cares if I wear the same shorts and tank top for 5 days?  Makes it easier!  Hubby, on the other hand, asks questions.  Are we doing formal night this time?  Awwww, why?  Then I hafta wear a suit and take my dress shoes.  They are soooo heavy.  Where will I put them?  What if we lose our suitcase?  Are we taking a suitcase?  I just want to take carry ons.  Do we have to pay for it?  Then I'm not taking one.  How many days will we be gone?  Hmmm, how much underwear should I bring?  Socks?  (yes, he wears socks with his sandals.  ewwwwww)  What are the rules again?  How large can our carry on be?  What will we take our "personal" stuff in?  (personal stuff=shaving cream, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.)  Do you think they will let us take [fill in whatever, here]?  Do I really have to take my shoes off?  (rant about airports, government, inefficiency, etc.  follows this question)   I could go on and on, but, enuf said.

I will see a few family members on this cruise.  It should be a good time.  I will certainly try!

note to you know who you are:  I will make every effort not to jump the railing!  Have a good day! 


XSIce's picture
Submitted by XSIce on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 06:58
Have fun!
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 08:51
Wish I was going cruising...I love cruising...I usually need another relaxing vacation after I get back from my cruising vacation though since I end up staying out all night. ;D
rumbagod's picture
Submitted by rumbagod on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 10:36
enjoy and come back refreshed!

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