Ramblings of a Grandmother


Shared on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 07:26

Last night my daughter dropped my 4 year old grandson off for his usual 3 day stay while she works her 3 in a row night shifts.  Ack!  She brought me a sick baby!  Well, I know what to do with a sick little one....I fed him and put him to bed.  He slept 13 hours and woke up with the words "I'm not sick any more!"  That's good, cuz we got a lot to do today.  He is my companion when I do my "running around".  We go shopping, out to lunch, and then, Little Gym.  Little Gym is the best thing that ever happened to this child (and his Mamma, me).  I have been taking him once a week ever since he was about 18 months old.  He is quite a gymnast!  He does forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, handstands, walks on the balance beam without assistance, and does all manner of neat tricks on the uneven parallel bars.  Well, he doesn't do these things perfectly, but I think he does very well! 

I luv being a grandmother.  It is what I was born to do, among other things  .  We have an extended family, and my grandkids are like my own.  They call us Mamma and Pappa.  I like that.  We helped raise the older one, too.  He's 14 and a good boy, um, young man.  He just had a growth spurt and went from 4'11" to 5'7" in about 3 months.  Whew, how did that happen?  He is interested in girls.  Ack!  I remember being 14.  We won't go into that.......

So, back to the little guy.  He luvs video games.  Any video games.  He started out playing Dora and the Purple Planet, then The Cat in the Hat, now he plays Lego Star Wars.  What a kid!  What's nice about Lego Star Wars is we can play together.  But he keeps killing me!  He says it's an accident.  Sometimes I wonder.....  He likes to watch me play Guild Wars.  He jumps up with a make-shift sword and fights the "bad monsters".  Sometimes he uses a bow and arrow.  His imagination is fascinating!

The boys have their own rooms at our house, although the older one has to share with me cuz it is also my playroom.  That's where my computer and 360 reside, among other things.  He doesn't stay with us any more except summer and holidays, so I can actually get in there most of the time.  The little one has a PS2 in his room.  Yes, we are a family of gamers!  Their parents, too.  I have a standing invitation to Friday Night Magic at their house, but I don't take them up on it cuz I don't play paper.  It's nice to know I have somewhere to go if I change my mind, tho.

This is me and my little guy on his 4th birthday.  Is he adorable, or what?  The knee by my elbow is my older grandson, and the arm on the other side is my hubby.    Or, at least, parts of them.....LOL


Time to start my day.....


DanLeCrinque's picture
Submitted by DanLeCrinque on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 07:58
Will you adopt me Penni ?

Carpe Diem

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