really going home today


Shared on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 08:24

Yikes!  Traffic, distance, time, and some other stuff, and I didn't get home yesterday.  I got to Curvy/bunky much later than I thought I would, so I decided to stay.  It continues to amaze me how people are in real life compared to online.  I don't know what I expect.  I guess evil killers that wear armor and carry shotguns....  Well, they are only that for a few hours at a time!  This was a nice little family....gamer husband (yay), sorta gamer 10 year old daughter, and 2 lovely german shepherds.  Spelling?  Doesn't look right.  Oh well.  I showed her how to play Magic, and she showed me how to play Halo3.  I guess I give up too easily!  There are many more things than just the campaign!  I have finished it on easy, and sorta put it away.  Hmmmmm.  bunky kicks a$$ with a shotgun!  That was very, very interesting.  I'll have to try that again.

I really, truly am going home today.  I still have that dumb throat thing.  Still can't talk right, altho it is much better in that respect.  I think.  I squeaked at the coffee lady this morning.  hmmmm  I am going to hate getting back home for one specific reason.  I have been sleeping better than I have in years!  Different bed almost every night.  Doesn't matter.  When I get home, it will be back to routine, and, I imagine, the insomniac in me will return.  Maybe that's it!  I'll call it sleep therapy!  I have to travel forever and ever just to make sure I get enuf sleep.  LOL  What a gas!

I think I mentioned (maybe not) that hubby said he knows where this is going.  Next trip?  Yes!  Texas, OK, Florida.....where else?  I still need to meet Dustin and Eddie (and spouses).  They are definitely on my list.  And, there is someone I'd like to see again.  And again.  Yes, temptress I am.  Ahhh, you know who you are!  I will be at the Chi Lan in August.  Woohoo!  Maybe I will see some more friends I've never met.  And some I have!  Home again, home again, jiggity jig.........


MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 08:49
I gave you a thumbs down because you're going home. lol Maybe you should get into a job where you're able to travel all the time. That actually sounds like something you'd enjoy a lot, maybe too much and they pay VERY good money for people willing to travel all over the place and meet new people. Just something to consider. :) MJ
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 09:01
Mike! Thumbs down! awwww, at least you said why.... Talk to ya soon

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