Sexual Abuse


Shared on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 07:19

I have been told by a very dear friend to "stop stressing", and I am almost there. This is a brief summary of an event that has caused a bit of a ripple effect. To put it simply, I was verbally sexually abused while playing a game with someone I knew, but not a fellow clannie. I am captain of a very large clan, and know all of their names, so this guy is definitely not in my clan. But, I know who he is, how to find him, and where he lives. That being said, I really didn't handle things very well while it was happening. We were on ventrilo, so what he was saying to me, and I to him, was live. I lost my temper and said some not so ladylike things, which just seemed to egg him on. My mistake! I got out of there as soon as I could. I hung around the house in a vile mood for a day or so, then finally told my husband what happened. He offered to put out a hit on him. Ack! Another friend offered to shoot out his knees. Hmmm, I feel very supported. But, of course, that is not the answer.

For me, writing is cathartic. So, I started writing. I sent an email to a friend, really just asking for his support, which I got. I wrote a long entry in my log, you know, the one no one ever sees! And I did some research, read some articles, and wrote and posted our new clan member etiquette. Included in those "rules" was the topic of racial or sexual comments. I know, it is ok for friends to kid around and make certain comments that are considered acceptable between them. But, when someone steps over the line, it is not acceptable. He stepped over the line.

So, the ripple effect? Not a big ripple, but this event has gone from a bad experience to good. The few people I have told about this are very supportive, even to the point of going after the guy. NOT! I got to do some research and writing. And I am reassured of the luv and respect of my friends. Life is Good!

Note: You guys/gals that think you are just "kidding around" while making sexual comments/jokes might consider how traumatic that could be for the person it is being directed at. You don't know their history or what might happen as a result of your actions. Just think before you speak.  Please.


doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 08:55
Well said! I have already posted some of my ideas in your forum thread, for what they're worth so I won't reiterate them here. I just wanted to let you know that I still think you did the right thing in leaving the game and would support you in any way that I can. Although your husband's response is a little extreme, it was also my first thought! ;-)
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 09:24
Hmm...since you know where he lives you could write him a letter telling him how offended you were and he was breaking TOS and (he was on YOUR Vent server was he not?) that his words were not acceptable, and it offended not only you but your husband and others who live in the same community he does. If he is a child address the letter to his parents (or just call the parents) with a general transcript of the conversation. Usually the shock of realization that their in-game behavior affects his/her Real Life situation is enough to make someone stop. It is always more effective if you close the letter with an 'out' for the realize that they may have had a bad day and are sure they didn't mean to be as obnoxious as they sounded, etc...etc... Unless this person is a psycotic individual, that would be the best service you could render your gaming and real life community. If by a slim chance he does follow up with something nasty it is time to contact the police with a copy of your letter and an update of the situation!
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 09:43
Good thoughts, Capn. And doorgunner, you are one cool dude! Thanx!
CofC's picture
Submitted by CofC on Sat, 11/18/2006 - 11:33
I'm sorry that happened to you. Live has exposes some dark areas. Killin' (the virtual kind) is good therapy too.

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