Shared on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 06:18And now another compelling chapter in the continuing saga of *drum roll*.......Sleepless in Chapel Hill!
I know I looked at the clock at least once an hour last night. I was hoping it would eventually say 6:00 so I could just get up and be done with it. Well, it finally did, and here I am. We had Thanksgiving dinner yesterday around 6:00 pm. It was wonderful, if I do say so myself! Of course I ate until I was truly full, and then some more....... Company left fairly early, so, since I had done all the cooking, the cleaning up, (well, not all, some still there this morning!), and the majority of the entertaining, I went to bed early. Now, those of you who know me would say, before 9:00??? Nah, no work today, so it was a little bit later. Problem was, I think, I was still very full almost to the point of being sick on my stomach. Yeh, I think that's how I stay slim, I just don't/can't/won't eat until I am any more than just comfortable. So, I settled in to read for a while, until I got sleepy, and finally drifted off. Nice.
So, why couldn't I sleep? DREAMS!!!!! Never go to bed on a full stomach! I have a recurring dream about having to pee and not being able to find a (private) place to, um, use. My most disturbing dream is when I am in high school and it is a HUGE school. Yeh, you can do that in dreams. I try the regular "girls' rooms" and they are all full of nasty looking people sneaking smokes and who knows what else in the stalls. Out of there fast! After I try several of those, I head for the gym. The locker room has toilets! And showers! Oh boy, I will find something there! NOT! The toilets are all over the place, none private, and all in use. Nasty, dirty, ugly, whatever! That's about the time I wake up with the problem unresolved. Last night I was at a park, or some outdoorsy place. Every time I tried to find a place, they were in use, but this time it was huge, very fat MEN! They all looked like humpty dumpty. And the toilets were all outhouse style without the outhouse. Yeh, sorta like a park bench with holes, and 4 or 5 humptly dumpties sitting side by side, um, taking dumps. Eek! Again, I woke up with that unresolved! And I had that dream several times last night. Or maybe it was the same one just picking up where it left off while I dozed off again. So, you can imagine that I really just wanted to get up this morning and stop the madness!
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by BalekFekete on Sat, 11/24/2007 - 09:00