spring is sprung


Shared on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 17:37


Spring is sprung!  The flowers are blooming.  The trees are leafing out.  And EVERYTHING is green!  Last night my car was black.  Today it is green, covered with pine dust, or, pine pollen, whatever ya wanna call it.  This time of year, you can wash your car every day and you still look like a bum with a dirty car, the pollen is so bad.  Can't open my windows cuz everything inside the house would be covered with delightful green powder.  It's been a kinda lousy spring, anyways.  The weather flip flops, 45 one day, 80 the next.  No rain for weeks on end, even months, then it rained so many days in a row I was thinking about building an arc.  At least my little azalea bush is blooming.  I raised it from a cutting and it is about 5 years old.  Beautiful!  and the dogwoods!  Our yard is full of them. 

I cannot believe I changed my trip plans yet again!  I have actually reserved a couple hotels and priced a flight from Chicago to Portland.  Yeh, Oregon.  For an extra $100 I can get a non stop flight, both ways.  It's worth it!  I hate flying cuz of the layovers and wait time.  Haven't bought the ticket yet.  Need to verify some other stuff, but I think the west coast will be interesting.  Never been there except for this nursing thing once, and I was stuck in a hotel the whole time.  Yay, me!  I am about to escape!  I leave a week from Saturday.  Already?????  Yikes!


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