Shared on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 06:43Everybody likes chicken, right? How about roosters? Big, healthy, Rhode Island Red roosters that think 4:00 am is the crack of dawn! I admit, we live in the country, and there are several animals in our neighborhood. Numerous dogs and cats, donkeys, goats, horses, and CHICKENS! I am told that this particular rooster just sorta wandered in and made his home outside my bedroom window. Our next door neighbor about had a heart attack when he was out in the yard and right behind him a very loud, agitated "cock-a-doodle-doo" came out of nowhere. Well, he adopted the poor rooster to keep his horses company. It makes you wonder where he came from. I know people drop off unwanted dogs and cats, usually out in the country somewhere. I know this cuz i have had to either adopt many over the years, or call animal control to come and get them. Alas! Animal control has won every time. We came close to keeping a couple of them, but....... Well, back to the rooster. Who the heck drops off a rooster???? And why??? And why always in my back yard???? Well, we raised chickens when I was growing up. To me, they were Sunday dinner. Here rooster, come to mama......
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Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Thu, 06/21/2007 - 10:36