Shared on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 07:15Some things I have learned over the years, and especially the last few days....
1. No matter how hard you try to explain something you have said/done, people will believe what they want to believe.
2. When planning a trip at the last minute, your choices are limited..... $800+ airfare taking 7 hours (including airport time and layovers) or driving for 10-11 hours, gas cost around $100. What choice? Road trip!
3. One can live on diet coke and pretzels for several days.
4. If you drive a 12 year old Honda Civic, cops pay no attention to you no matter what speed you drive at.
5. No matter how big or small you consider your "space" to be, someone will always intrude on your space, especially whle driving.
6. To get somewhere in the amount of time Google Maps says you should, you can never stop to eat or pee, and must drive at 85-90mph.
7. When you only have 3 days to get it done, and much of that is spent driving, don't sleep. It's a waste of time.
8. White wine tastes good chilled, but is not too bad warm and straight from the bottle.
9. When you party into the night, you'd better hope you don't have to work the next day. Ack! That was rough.
10. Doing a special favor for a friend, even tho you have to drive hundreds of miles to get there, is awesome and makes you feel luved and happy.
11. On the other hand, hurting a friend's feelings or making him angry just makes me sad. Sorry.....are we ok?
12. Being away from your kitty for 3 days makes her very lonely and extra excited and cuddley when you get home.
13. Cats are a lot like children...no matter how many toys/playthings they have, they just want a squished up wad of aluminum foil to play with.
14. When you call out sick cuz you have road trip cystitis your nurse manager sounds very annoyed.
15. When you call for an MD appointment that you consider urgent and they say they can fit you in end of next week, you go to the NP at the drug store and pay cash.
Ahhh, there is so much more, but these were my thoughts for the weekend. I had fun. Worked very hard. Drove waaaaay too long. I'm stiff and sore. Would I do it again? Well, maybe, but a little planning would help. Price of the plane ticket would be about 1/4 so I would fly. I would try to eat more than pretzels and coke. Wouldn't change anything else, don't think. Oh, what did I do this weekend? Just helping out an old friend....
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by char on Tue, 09/15/2009 - 08:29