Time flies


Shared on Tue, 12/30/2008 - 18:21

Since I have decided to grow my hair, I thought I would find a pic of myself with the real deal.    This pic is scanned and a little damaged, but, you can see how long my hair used to be.  This is me when I was 18 holding my son at the age of 1 week.   Interesting......  I will never have that much hair again, but, I will see how long it gets.  At this age, it was almost to my waist.  You hafta wonder, where did the time go?????



supergg2k's picture
Submitted by supergg2k on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 12:01
I vote: Have already done those things at a young age and begin building your fortune at 40.. In fact I am kind of doing that now. :)
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 12/30/2008 - 18:26
I have none so you have more than I
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 09:13
the one where i have done those things and then build a fortune at 40

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