Shared on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 14:12Hubby asked me today if I was getting anorexic (again). We went out to lunch and I wasn't hungry, just went to make him happy. I ended up picking at my food and bringing almost all of it home with me. Do I look like I'm losing weight? Oh yeh, you guys can't see me. LOL Well, I've got a lot going on, as some of you know. I was a bit anorexic when I was very young, and had a "relapse" about 10 or 12 years ago. They say it is a control issue. When my life spins out of control, I guess I lose my appetite. Well, I'm working on that. The biopsy was negative, so that is not an issue any more. Except for the stupid scar! But, the rest of my life is so "out of control" right now...... My grandkids are starting school. I have had them since they were born. Now.... Holidays and birthdays, and whenever. Not the same. I will miss my littlest booboo soooo much. And, the problems I am having with hubby. Not sure yet where that is going. If he really is just "getting old" and reacting to that, then I guess that is for us to work out. I just wish he wasn't so mean and ugly when he gets in those moods. No, he doesn't hit me. Far from it! He walks out the door and stays gone all day, or into the night, god knows where. He actually just left..... Don't know what I possibly could have done, except not allow him to manipulate me. He knows I don't go to movies. Just don't care to. Once we were at lunch he asked if I wanted to go to a movie. I said not really. Well, that must be why he just left! Ack!
I am planning a vacation/road trip. It has been hard cuz I am feeling the stress of my life! What a mess! But, I finally have a plan. I found a 5 day cruise, pretty cheap, out of New Jersey next month. We usually cruise out of Miami, so this will be different for us. I want to drive there, so I can stop along the way and visit some friends. I also have someone that wants to show me New York. Wow! That should be a gas. I luv DC, so we will likely go there for a day. So, my plan is starting to come together. Dunno if it will develop into a reality, yet. Gotta work on a few things. Sadly, my friend in Newport News has taken a job out of state and moved to Ohio. Bah! So, VA Beach may not be one of my stops. WooHoo! Road trip AND cruise.
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by Devonsangel on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 14:34
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Mon, 08/06/2007 - 07:36