What's going on?


Shared on Sat, 09/25/2010 - 12:56

I have been busy. I know. The same old thing, the same old used up word.....busy. Stuff has been happening. I sneak in and take a peak around in here quite often, but haven't got a lot to say cuz i am not gaming a whole lot lately and I guess people may be tired of hearing about the continuing saga of "my life". Well, there's more...

Got a double whammy yesterday. Yes, mark it on your calendar.... Penni's divorce was final on September 24, 2010. Yeah, that's right, the second one. Will I ever go for three? Not likely. The other thing that whammed me yesterday? Well, I gave notice at my current job. You know, the one I took to get my foot in somewhere so I could move to Virginia to be with my new man. The new man is working out extremely well (yay!), the new job, NOT! I wasn't fired, well, not exactly. It was "mutually agreed upon" at my 3 month evaluation that I "wasn't the right fit". At first it was very hard for me. I cried. I ranted. Yeh, I was fired. But it will not go down in my records as such. The mutual agreement to reassign is what will be there, and I have 4 weeks to find another job. But, after sleeping on it, I AM SOOOO HAPPY!!! The job, in fact, was not the right fit and caused me more stress than I have ever let on to anybody. This morning, I am feeling great, went to the outlet mall and spent a bunch of money, and, well, just feel greatly relieved. And, I have already applied to 4 much more suitable jobs as, you got it, chemo slinger, within the same system. And, my supervisor is making phone calls and bugging people to death to hire me. You see, we actually really do like each other. And she respects me for the work that I was meant to do. I am a hands on cancer nurse. I love my patients. Working in an office sitting at a computer and answering the phone all day is not for me. And she knew that. That is the mutual agreement part.

So, another chapter in the continuing saga of Penni's life. The next thing? If I get the job I really want, I will have an hour to drive both ways, 2 hours out of my day. EEK! Or, we will move to a better location that will have us right in the middle, both driving only 1/2 hour both ways. Better, but not perfect, of course. I love this house. I really don't want to move again. And, when we retire (yeh, I am definitely getting old enuf to think about that) we will move again, this time to Florida. I hate moving. Blah.

So, back to being busy. Catch ya on the flip side. Did I say that? Reminds me of someone I know and luv, and miss a lot!!!!

That is all, for now.


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