

Shared on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 16:48

I just got off the phone with my cardiac nurse daughter.  I told her some of the unusual symptoms her dad was having and she got very upset.  I thought nothing much of it.  I always think everything is cancer.  His signs/symptoms are fatigue, a need to sleep about 18-20 hours/day, mild depression, nausea, headache, and "being more clumsy".  Now, I am breaking a promise I made to him, and I hope he doesn't find out.  I promised I would not blog about him if he would not "spy" on me.  That's a long story.  But, my daughter is telling me that Gilbert is having atypical angina, and that the symptoms he is having are classic for "the elderly".  Yes, he is in that category.  She is demanding that he have a cardiac stress test and MRI ASAP.  Now, I am also worried.  He is on the couch right now....asleep.  He has an appointment with his doc Wednesday.  Ah me, I always knew something like this could happen, but are we ever ready?  We shall see.


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 16:57
I think everything's cancer too :lol: Lost my mom to it and almost my wife. So that's pretty much the first thing on my mind when a friend or family member goes into the hospital for anything, get screened for cancer! If you don't know what is wrong i think it's better ot assume it's cancer and get checked out than to pretend it's not and discover it too late to survive.
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 17:01
Well, as you always tell me, hang in there. This is a bad time of year for me. Not only my dad being sick, but my grandmother died on June 27th and my grandfather died on July 2nd. Not the same year, but just kind of a bad time during the year.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 17:15
thinking of you!
char's picture
Submitted by char on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 18:04
Pearly don't wait till Wednesday. Someone should see him right away.
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 18:22
It has to wait. He refused to go to urgent care and will only see his own doc. I can't make him! Early Wednesday morning....
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Mon, 06/23/2008 - 18:56
You and your hubbie are added to my prayers!

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