Shared on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 17:52
You Know You're a Nurse IF...
- You believe every patient needs TLC: Thorazine, Lorazepam and Compazine.
- You would like to meet the inventor of the call light in a dark alley one night.
- You believe not all patients are annoying ~ some are unconscious.
- Your sense of humor seems to get more "warped" each year.
- You know the phone numbers of every late night food delivery place in town by heart.
- You can only tell time with a 24 hour clock
- Almost everything can seem humorous ... eventually.
- When asked, "What color is the patient's diarrhea?" you show them your shoes.
- Every time you walk, you make a rattling noise because of all the scissors and clamps in your pockets.
- You can tell the pharmacist more about the medicines he is dispensing you than he can.
- You carry "spare" meds in your pocket rather than wait for pharmacy to deliver.
- You're uncomfortable in clothes that don't have elastic or drawstring waistbands, because you spend most of your waking hours in scrubs.
- You refuse to watch ER because it's too much like the real thing and triggers "flash backs." (And because real-life ER's don't have anyone that looks like Dr. Carter!)
- You check the caller ID when the phone rings on your day off, in case it's someone from the hospital is trying to call to ask you to work.
- You've been telling stories in a restaurant and had someone at another table throw up.
- You notice that you use more four letter words now than before you became a nurse.
- Every time someone asks you for a pen, you can find at least three of them on you.
- You can intubate your friends at parties.
- You don't get excited about blood loss...unless it's your own.
- You live by the motto, "To be right is only half the battle, to convince the physician is more difficult."
- You've basted your Thanksgiving turkey with a Toomey syringe.
- You've told a confused patient your name was that of your coworker and to HOLLER if they need help.
- Eating microwave popcorn out of a clean bedpan is perfectly natural.
- Drinking iced tea from a clean urinal is completely normal.
- Your bladder can expand to the same size as a Winnebago's water tank.
- When checking the level of orientation of a patient, you aren't sure of the answers yourself. (What day is it again?)
- You find yourself checking out other customer's arm veins in grocery waiting lines. (Wow! I can get an 11g in that puppy!)
- You can sleep soundly at the hospital cafeteria table during dinner, break, sitting up and not be embarrassed when you wake up. Or if you drooled.
- You avoid unhealthy looking shoppers in the mall for fear that they'll drop near you and you'll have to do CPR on your day off.
- When using a public restroom, you wash your hands with soap for a full minute and turn off the faucets with your elbows.
- Your favorite dream is the one where you leave a mess at a patient's bedside and tell a doctor to clean it up.
- Men assume you must be great in bed because of the 9 billion porn movies about nurses.
- Everyone, including complete strangers, tells you about each and every ache and pain they have.
- You want to put your foot through the TV screen every time you see a nurse on a soap opera doing nothing but talking on the phone and flirting with doctors.
- You can almost SEE the germs on doorknobs and telephones.
- You can watch the goriest movie and eat anything afterwards, even spagetti with lots of tomato sauce.
- You've sworn you're going to have "DNR" tattooed on your chest!
I needed a little humor tonight. I have had 2 very, very busy days. And I have 2 more to go. I am soooooo tired.
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 18:10
Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 01/23/2008 - 21:14