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Shared on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 12:09

So it looks like things are back on with my little Nikita.  After a week of nothing suddenly the emails and pictures started up again.  On the plus side, I finally got the punchline.  One day she emailed me that she would let me know when she could catch a plane out here, when it would arrive etc.  Right.

So the next day I get an email from her, all distraught, telling me that it was more expensive than she realized.  She told me about how she cried and cried when she realized this.  Awwww.  So I told her no would just give us more time to get to know each other while she saved up for the ticket!  The next day I got an email asking if there was anything I could do to help with the cost.  Nope, sorry...sure can't.

On top of all this now she goes on about how much she loves me, etc.  Sigh.  Ok, so I responded that she needs to take a step back and calm down.  I pointed out that while she may be in love with the idea of coming here and living out some fantasy she has imagined, she doesn't know me anywhere well enough to be in love with me.  I also mentioned that while the mentions of frequent sex were nice, if I put any effort into it I could get that here without having to import someone from the other side of the world.  So I asked her to tone those bits down and lets focus on the business at hand.

I still have no idea what to do with this.  I could just stop writing her altogether I suppose and see if she just goes away.

On the other hand, maybe there's something to all this.  I quit playing Dark Age of Camelot back in September.  Not because I was bored with the game, but because of another similar situation.  I am a chatty person in these games.  I tend to be a friendly sort and offer help when I'm in a position to.  I mean its a game, right?  We're supposed to be having fun.  So this guild I'm in, the guy who runs it is an American living in Hong Kong.  His wife is Chinese.  I got along great with both of them, as well as most of the guild in general.  The wife was always really friendly to me, but she was a friendly helpful person anyway so I thought nothing of it.  Until..,

One day I'm crafting and she logs in /anon and ask me to get into vent.  So I do, and she proceeds to tell me how her and her husband have all these problems, their marriage is a sham, etc.  She then proceeds to tell me she's in love with me.  Uh...what?  So long story short, the next couple weeks were pretty uncomfortable as I was running around killing mids with the husband while getting all these private messages from his wife.  Not good.  So I just quit the game, I couldn't take it anymore.

So there's a dilemma for you.  I am lovable from afar, but notsomuch with the up close and personal.  Go figure.

I have other fun stories too, but I'll save them for later.


TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 18:09
What's your ratio of afar female contact to up close contact? Maybe you're more lovable online because you're online too much and it's the only opportunity you give yourself??? I think you should cut off the Nikita thing...Maybe it's funny and entertaining at first, but over time you might just get wishful that it's for real.
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 19:39
Well, the afar thing works best for me because my track record with relationships sucks. I keep my distance partly on purpose. With the deal with the Ruskie babe, I find myself not really all that interested anymore. I quit emailing her the other day, she may not respond anymore either.
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 12:14
8I Sorry bud, but I just don't know what to say. 8I
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 12:18
Good Luck, but there is someone for you so don't give up hope. I would suggest my wife's lesbian sister, but don't think her girlfriend would like it.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 12:28
ATC, wait, your wife has a lesbian sister and it neve crossed your mind that that MIGHT be important?? is it too much to ask if they were twins?
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 12:31
oh, and great post...I wish I had the problem of women flocking to be with me....and if my wife is reading this, I assure you dear it would be a problem... and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.....else.....
MutusLetum's picture
Submitted by MutusLetum on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 12:34
I knew that women tended to throw themselves at musicians, but this is unbelievable. :)
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 12:48
LOL~ You guys fucking kill me, some good stuff there. And yeah ATC, no fair holding out on that news. And yeah Mutus, now imagine if I were actually good! 8) So I can take it I have the personality thing down. Its just the longterm putting up with my bullshit that is the drawback I think. I have had several of my friends getting on my case recently about giving up on dating, but I think they want me to get married so I can be miserable like them. :P
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 12:52
I will tell you not to get married, but have fun dating though.
Buzz's picture
Submitted by Buzz on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 13:03
Well I been meaning to tell you PP2 that all that time we have spent together playing co-op in Saints Row 2 has made me start to have feelings towards you. I never thought I could have gay feelings for another man but dude there's just something about the way you use your joystick that brings out the Richard Simmons in me. Please send me some pictures of you in a man skirt. 8P
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 14:03
Ah damn...

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