Love and the mail-order bride


Shared on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 16:41

So for those of you single people out there (or you unscupulous married types), I am assuming most of you have forayed into the fabulous world of online dating.  I first messed with it about 10 years ago and have had some success, especially in my thinner days.  After my last engagement went bellyup in 2002 it was years before I could think about dating again cause I was all messed up.  I still fear women with every fiber of my being (which is many, many fibers these days) but I figured awhile back I'd throw a profile out there and see how it goes.

One thing I've noticed is people seem to be addicted to these sites anymore as a social activity.  Thats ok I guess, but personally I want someone who is interested in focusing their efforts on trying to get one thing right rather than playing the "how many people like me????" game.  But if nothing else, its a way to get out every now and then.  Even the dates that haven't worked out are at least friendly so its company anyway.

Anyway, I'm also too cheap to drop the $30/month or whatever for memberships, so unless I get an email address in the responses I get I can't respond.  No biggie I suppose.  But I've also noticed these mail-order type (for lack of a better term) of profiles contacting me now and again.  A few years back a friend of mine and I used to joke about looking into this, and the little bit of info we got was that it cost an assload of money and seemed kind of scammish.

So last week I get an email that I have a new message on my profile on this particular dating site.  I go there and am greeted with the profile name and a picture of an amazingly beautiful young woman.  Now, I have a pic of me up there and I'm thinking either this chick is blind or its one of those mail order scam things.  So I read the message and there's an email in there, and sure enough by the broken english and distinctly eastern European name I am sure its mail-order.

Normally I just delete those messages, and if I forget to delete them I see within a few days that the profile has been deleted by the service.  In this case though, I copy and paste the email addy I was sent and use one of my alternate email accounts to send an email to it.  Nothing major, just a "hi, got your email" thing.

So the next day I get a response (and more pictures...woohoo) from a young (late 20s) Russian girl who is apparently so smitten with me that she's already referring to herself as my new girlfriend.  Alrighty.  And btw, I am typing this whole part tongue in cheek so don't worry that I've lost my mind and have bought into this.  So I play along and answer some questions she asked about me.  The next day I get another email with another picture (whoever this is in the picture, she is seriously hot btw) and more qujestions, along with a request for pictures of me.

So I email back asking what she was trying to accomplish.  I mean, she's in Russia and I'm in Chicago (suburbs) I told her, thats a long drive.  So I asked her what the deal was.  I asked her to explain to me exactly why she was emailing me and what she was hoping I would do.  My guess is send money, which?  Heh, if you knew me you wouldn't need to wonder...that ain't happening.  I also mentioned I liked the pictures, and if she had any of her in a bathing suit (or less), by all means please send me those.  I also attached a picture of me (not a pleasant sight, especially with the weight I put on after herniating that disc) and my cat.  I figured that would be the end of that.

So a day goes by and no more emails.  Heh, figured.  But then the next day lo and behold I get one, with another picture (of her with her mother, who isn't bad looking either heh) and this email telling me about how happy I make her and how she has told her mother all about me, and how she is going to visit her grandmother some 90km away to tell her all about me too.   Oddly enough, none of my questions were answered.

Ok, now at this point I am torn between ROFL and feeling particularly sad.  Its either some numnuts playing around and getting a giggle out of it, or its some really messed up chick and I may be messing with her head, which if thats the case it doesn't seem it can take much messing with.  So I respond asking her to look at my last email and please answer the questions I asked.  And oh yeah, please send more pics!  Even if these aren't of her, I likes them!

Now the question I pose to anyone reading you know anything about these scams?  I actually know a couple people (online friends) who have done like Filipino mail order and actually seem to be happy.  They're probably being slowly poisoned on a daily basis too, but thats their problem I guess.  So how does this work?  I'm not sending anyone money, so thats not a concern.  What should I expect to see in the near future?  Money requests?  Personal data requests?


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 17:22
The endgame is usually a Visa via marriage so they can legally immigrate to the USA. What happens after that, i dunno. I did online dating well before it is what it is today and the mail order people were there back then (going back to 1995ish). I was intrigued by how hot Ukrane women seemd to be and got lots of different catalogs, damn were most of those women hot! Agencies apparently arranged get-a-ways where you fly there and an agency takes care of you and you attend mixer events and meet ukranian women looking for marriage and visa to the USA. Anyway it was all entertainment for me, i never went on those trips and what not. But damn did i ever get some hot ass email pics !
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 18:22
I saw something about those get-away things, where it almost looked like an auctionhouse type thing ultimately. You would get to see all their wares and the highest bidder won, was my impression. So ultimately if you decide to marry one, what kind of costs are involved in it for you? Heh, aside half your profit sharing once she divorces you I mean.
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 02:11
I say, get out while you can. Being alone is one thing, but being lonely is the state of mind these people feed on. Even if you're sitting there feeling all smug about not sending any money, your questions to Tank reveil a lot more about you than you would have liked to share in the first place. Don't let those pictures mess with your head, dude. Cut loose. Now.
BasBleu's picture
Submitted by BasBleu on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 06:19
I am with CrypticCat here. You have stumbled upon one of two things: a total scam or a visa leech. I assume when you went on the dating site, you were not looking for either of those. Pay the membership fee, and stick with your true intent. A friend of mine and my mother both met someone on e-harmony. Don't be a fool over a pretty face.
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 08:13
Guys, its all good. You're reading too much into this. I am curious about how this works and playing the game to get to the punchline, but this would be like renting a hooker long-term. As much as I joke about it, thats not for me. And as far as being alone goes, I reconciled that a long time ago. Its not a big deal.

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