A question for the ages


Shared on Sat, 10/27/2007 - 20:45

"What am I doing wrong?"

Here's a little story from my court trip yesterday.  I went up first (since I checked in first) and had to wait for a bit for the judge to sign off on the order.  So I'm sitting there listening to some true horror stories (no joking) from some poor women who are being terrorized by guys.  On a side note, there's the whole "here's this 6'4, 340 pound guy getting a restraining order against a tiny woman" and being the only guy there seeking protection thing that doesn't help the ego much.

Ok, so anyway the one woman is getting an order because this guy is hanging out back her house, off her property but close enough that he can draw attention to himself so she knows he's there.  Sick.  Then the cake-taker was this pretty little blonde girl who was on crutches.  She goes before the judge and tells him about an ex thats stalking her.  She said she was getting voice mails and text messages from him telling her he knows exactly where she is and describing what she's wearing to prove it.  Thats just fucked up.  So the judge of course grants her an order and she has a seat while he hears some more cases.

So a few minutes later this mess of a fellow walks in.  He was probably 5'8 tops and had to weigh as much as I did.  He had the gangbanger wardrobe going, complete with the shaved head and pants halfway down around his ass (he was holding his belt in his hands which might explain that).  He goes and talks to one of the attorneys and then he goes in front of the judge...and the little blonde on crutches goes back up.  THAT WAS HER FRIGGING EX!

Now after they were done I looked back and took another look at her.  She was very pretty, but she was also doing her best not to completely break down at that point.  Apparently just being anywhere near this guy, even in a place as safe as we were in, was too much for her.  It broke my heart a little, to be honest...nobody should ever go through anything like that.  She was looking at him and then she looked over at me and I could see her eyes were swelling up and she looked to be breathing kind of quickly.  Very sad.

But now to my question: what the hell am I doing wrong?  I briefly flirted with the idea of asking for her number (not the best place, I know, and not really...but there's a point in there) since she obviously didn't care about looks.  She couldn't have.  And as those of you who have met me can vouch, my chick-magnet days are well behind me, but if given the choice between me and this guy (with death NOT being an option) I can't see how I would come out on the short end of the stick.  Plus there's the whole "I'm not a psycho stalker" thing I have working for me.

So what gives?  I've seen guys my size and not very attractive with some really fine women.  Of course in many cases the guys are driving really expensive vehicles so I'd have to guess there's a touch of shallowness in there.  But still, what the fuck?  How is it that I've got nothing going and haven't had anything going for awhile?

Life is funny sometimes.  Well ok, its funny a lot.  And it certainly doesn't make sense very often.


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sat, 10/27/2007 - 20:59
The answer is simple, you're too together and you're not an asshole. Chicks like a guy they can 'fix' who's a bad boy. They like a 'project' to work on. If you're a totally together geek, there's nothing there for them to work with :lol:
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Sat, 10/27/2007 - 21:03
Dude, I totally agree. I've had that theory for years...that chicks like a challenge, they need to be needed. I've also had many women tell me I was full of shit, but what other reason could there be? And while right now things are for from together for me, you're right when you say I'm not an asshole. But then I'm also I think what would be considered "safe", boring even. Not out at bars, not drinking, no drugs, no other women, paycheck comes home every week. Yah, no challenge there really aside from putting up with my shit. :)
MutusLetum's picture
Submitted by MutusLetum on Sun, 10/28/2007 - 11:18
Good stuff, pp. Glad things seem to be looking up. As far as women, I'm not the one to go to for advice. I just happened to get really lucky.

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