

Shared on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 16:56

Ever get really restless to the point where nothing can relieve it?  Of course you have, we all have.  Right now I wish I was at work, if you can believe that...would give me something to do.

And think about that...I just picked up Mass Effect (which I'm really enjoying) and have Kane&Lynch and Lego Star Wars: TCS rented out and I am bored...restless.  I rented the new Die Hard movie this afternoon, it was decent.  The action was good but the way Mclane got out of stuff was a bit much for "willing suspension of disbelief" to compensate for.  Still not bad, I'll add it to the collection when I get some extra money.  I converted it for my Zune as well, so I can watch it again later.

So how's everyone's Thanksgiving?  Mine's been ok.  Don't have the kid for the holiday this year so I'm hanging by myself.  Mike James was kind enough to invite me to dinner with his family, but the back's been acting up all week and I really wasn't up to make the drive (long enough drive that it would hurt like hell).  But nonetheless I am grateful for his kindness.  Don't worry Mikey, we'll hang out soon enough once the back heals up.

I stopped at Blockbuster this morning a little before noon, but they didn't have any games I was up for so I just went ahead and went to the Chinese buffet there in the same plaza.  They actually had turkey...I just hope it was cooked properly lol.  I should know within the next couple hours.  :)  Brought the Zune with so I watched Seinfeld in between trips to the buffet.  Hung out there awhile to get my $12 worth and then headed home to watch Die Hard and play some ME.

I almost feel like reactivating my Dark Age of Camelot account, but I can't really spare the $15 and I know that once I reactivate I'll regret it.  I'm so far behind the curve in that game anymore its not even worth playing.  I can't compete in rvr anymore, I haven't spent the time grinding the over-powered items so I get rolled pretty quick.

There was actually something else I meant to blog about a couple days ago but I forgot what it was, so this is what you guys get stuck with instead.

I wish I had a sports game left in my library, I've traded them all in.  I might head back up to BB real quick to rent Madden 08 again.  As long as I have that game pass its just a matter of making the trip.  I love the game pass, its pretty handy.

So yeah, I'll probably find something to do.  I better, I still have 3 days to kill before I go back to work.  Oh, and if you happen to see me on Live and send a message and don't get a response...I shut off system notifications because they pop up over the dialogue wheel in ME.  So I'll get back to you eventually, just not when you send the message. 


Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 17:24
You're more than welcome to go to work for me tomorrow.
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 20:00
lol...can I keep the paycheck? Cause if so, we might be able to work something out. :)
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 22:22
You're still a slut! ;) MJ
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 23:53
You bet I am...but I'm not cheap. :)
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 11/23/2007 - 11:32
You wouldn't get very far with my paycheck.
Mojo421's picture
Submitted by Mojo421 on Fri, 11/23/2007 - 20:11
Thanksgiving was good - got to spend time with the family and play a little Assassin's Creed (really enjoying the game so far). Had to work today and my customers were so busy that it left no time until after 3pm to call at which time everyone went home and I was stuck alone to answer all the phones so I ended up working late for almost 2 hours so now the ex is pissed (never a good way to start the weekend) but I was smart and prepared this weeks J-Spot so I got that post up pretty quickly. I'll be on late tonight after the boy crashes let me know if your up for a game.

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