So I finally broke down and bought BioShock


Shared on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 09:26

Yeah, I finally did it.  I actually had picked up Two Worlds originally, but since I had read in Tact's thread about some problems I had it worked out with the manager at the Gamestop I go to that if those problems were real I could return the game as a defect and get an even exchange for BioShock.

Ok, so here's the problem.  I've had it since 8 last night and I still haven't played it.  I need to work up the nerve to put it in.  But I have it now.

So Tank, you can quit PM'ing me about what a pussy I am. 

I have visions of the meatwagon guys hauling my body away and noticing the copy of BioShock there (this is after I have the heart attack of course) and muttering to themselves "Not another one..."


HadOne2Many's picture
Submitted by HadOne2Many on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 09:37
Oh man you are gonna so fucked, I wish I could the look on your face when the...nevermind, have fun!
HadOne2Many's picture
Submitted by HadOne2Many on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 09:37
gonna be
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Sat, 08/25/2007 - 09:40
Oh yeah, I'll be doing a lot of extra laundry for sure. I have no doubt about this.
Buzz's picture
Submitted by Buzz on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 23:16
Make sure to play in the dark with headphones on. 8)

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