Something else I've been considering...


Shared on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 21:36

...since my last blog.  Well, something aside from how to embroil MJ in an embarrassing political scandal that is.

I wonder how many other guys "my new girlfriend" (as she calls herself) is emailing besides me.  I think its kind of funny that there may be an entire fleet of fat, middle-aged guys looking at the same pics I am and going "hot damn tamale, I'd love to tag that!!!".  I should post one of the pics she sent me one of these times.  Heh, I'm still hoping for one of those "bathing suit (or less)" pics I requested.  :)


Shashayla's picture
Submitted by Shashayla on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 21:54
LMAO....I've had very similar experiences with online dating.....these very hot guys who look like Brad Pitt would if he was from Pakistan; most of mine say they are from Seattle or El Paso, but the broken English is a dead giveaway. One finally gave me a phone number and said he was traveling on business. It was a UK phone. One guy kept sending me new photos, but they all looked like a professional photographer took them; I asked for one of him with his son or something...just a snapshot,,,,he kept replying with how madly in love with me he was, but it didn't sound as if he had even read my profile! just FYI, try for a free dating experience, no scammers (no affiliation...just free and works) looking forward to tomorrow's comment!
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 22:06
Thanks Shash. Its funny you mention the quality of the photos, because the first one looked like a pro model shot and another one on the profile looked like another artsy model type of shot. But the last couple look like just out on the street, here's me outside our library, here's me with my mom, etc, kind of stuff. And it does seem like they didn't read the profile or even the emails I'm sending. But we'll see what happens. Like I said, right now I'm just being a perv and enjoying the pics. :)
FreynApThyr's picture
Submitted by FreynApThyr on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 23:47
It's Mike James. He sent me the same e-mails. We're engaged.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 01:04
I tried online dating a few years back and the only thing I'd say is you get what you pay for. If you have a free account, you'll probably only get spam and phonies. If you get a membership, and only contact other people with memberships, you'll have a lot better experience.
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 01:54
At this particular site you get email from members and non members regardless of whether or not you have a membership. I just can't see spending $30 for a month. There's reduced rates for longer memberships, but thats taking a chance. If you pay for 6 months then meet someone out of the gate and it lasts more than 6 months, you've blown a lot of money.

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