Today's response from my future ex-wife


Shared on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:24

So I get another response (and another picture...woot) today.  This time she actually did answer (more or less) some of my questions, or at least tried to vaguely give some semblance of a response.

I'll cut and paste some of the letter, those parts will be in italics, then post a pic or 2.  Heh, then I'll sit back and wait for the "hey, she sent me an email too!" responses I know will come.  :P

Its an exact copy of the text, broken english and all:

I do not think that the distance is a problem. I like you and I want
to learn you better. I shall come to you when I shall be sure in that
that we shall be happy together. I hope that you not leave me one. I
want to learn you and your heart.

Now I shall answer a question, why I single. The choice of loved man
is very serious decision in life of each person. You see on light
there is only one person who is intended to you by destiny. I yet have
not met that person with whom it would be ready to lead the rest of
life. Many men here think only of beer and vodka. I do not want that
my loved man came home drunk every day. Many men here drink every day
and at all do not know when it to stop. I not against that if mine
loved man will sometimes drink alcoholic drinks, but it is necessary
to know when it is necessary to cease to drink. Men here do not know
it, they drink so much that from alcohol cannot go and it happens
every day. Sometimes men drink so much and then also come home and hit
there wives. I search kind sincerity for the man which will love me
and I will love him. I hope has answered for your question?


Anyway, thats the parts where she answered (or attempted to) some of my questions.  The other parts of the letter I didn't paste were just her talking about stuff she likes to do with her friends and stuff she did the previous day.

So it seems that she will come to me.  Woohoo.  And all the men in her town are alcoholic wifebeaters.  Woohoo.  Here's a couple pics:

So now I await her response.


dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 08:20
This is fun! Keep us updated!
Shashayla's picture
Submitted by Shashayla on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:37
Wow...she is gorgeous.....hey, what do you have to lose? just proceed with an open yet cautious mind, and see where it leads!
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 19:58
Yah, she's hot right? The other pics are nice too. I'll see what happens. As long as it doesn't cost more than my dignity, what difference does it make?
Buzz's picture
Submitted by Buzz on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 21:01
Very cute, I hope it's all on the up&up for you dude.
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Sun, 10/05/2008 - 21:10
Oh, I doubt it. There's a scam in here somewhere, be it money or thats not really her or whatever. I'm just curious to see where this ends up and what the punchline is. On the other hand... :)

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