Attention XBox360 Friends: Please Read!


Shared on Fri, 12/02/2011 - 09:42

Its nothing bad, but I wanted to let my friends on Xbox Live that because of some issues with my housemate, we are limiting her internet access. Because she doesn't listen to what we say when we ask her to turn down the volume when we're sleeping and she's just being all around inconsiderate, we are going to tell her our internet is down and we don't have the money to pay to get it back up. So, we won't be online when it is visible to her (she can see our screens), and I won't be on Xbox Live chat when she's around so if I'm chatting with someone and I suddenly quit talking, its cause she's in the room.

Update: Well, going through our security system, Zone Alarm with parental controls won't work cause now she's asking why she gets a pop up about it. We're going to have to figure something out that doesn't give her access, but won't do a parental control pop up either. We just want something that will block her from the web because she's ALWAYS on our office computer whenever she's here. We have to have the TV volume up to about 30 (normally the max we have it at is 20) whenever she's in the office playing music on Youtube because she has the music blasting. Any ideas? How rude is she? She just came out and volunteered my mini for use to check her email and stuff to see if she gets the same message. I'm sorry, but PA doesn't even touch my mini! The only time I let ANYONE touch my mini is if they're reading a story I have pulled up and just have to scroll through it to read. She said: "Well, I guess I'll just have to check my email and facebook on yours, or..." Are you freaking kidding me? Don't you know how RUDE you're being?


PropertyofWyatt's picture
Submitted by PropertyofWyatt on Fri, 12/02/2011 - 22:41
Well, I heard from our mutual friend, Marshall that she left his place of work (karaoke bar) with her ex and that they said they were headed up here. If she shows up at the house WITH him, she IS out because we told her that we didn't want him knowing where we lived. As for the computer thing, it is our computer and my husband's going to have to use it when he goes back to school in January. Its a bit ridiculous that she can't unplug for one day. She's always on the phone, texting, or on the computer. ALWAYS.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Fri, 12/02/2011 - 10:07
as far as the volume thing ask her to use headphones. as for the internet access allow web access through mac address filtering, then when you do not want her to have access either take off her mac address or unselect it. Not sure if she is using your comp or her own, but that would prevent a pop up from happening.
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Fri, 12/02/2011 - 10:09
Honestly? Throw her the fuck out. No one can take advantage of you unless you let them, and while you're being nice about things enough is enough. Its one thing if you're helping someone out and you guys just don't mesh from a living-together standpoint. That happens. But this chick is a mess and doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone but herself.

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