Events of the Day


Shared on Sun, 10/23/2011 - 01:06

 Well, today I went to bed early - 8amish - and slept late - around 4 pm. My wouldbe housemate came up and we had lunch, played Disney Scene It and I'd started a movie and dessert, but she had to go back to the house to meet her neice. I lent her the movie we'd been watching because I watched it last night. So she got Mars Needs Moms, which was the one I watched last night, and The Nightmare Before Christmas to watch with her neice. I promised I'd write down the recipe of the dessert I made so she can make it later, and that I'd save her some. Also while she was here we played through level 1 of Pirates so I could get the co-op. Man, she needs gaming help. LOL no coordination at all, HAHA.

After she left, I had a bowl of my dessert which was a baked chocolate pudding - if you want the recipe, I'll gladly post it on request. Then I played through part of the Blue Dragon part where I was heading up to battle Nene after saving Kluke. I got stuck on the moon laser part though then started watching Cinderella 2 and now Cinderella 3. PA is at work, but will be coming home at break to walk Charlie. I've already taken him out once, but PA comes home and takes him out later too. 

I did get my notes from my writers group that I left in my wouldbe housemate's car, so I can work on some preivous chapters that I'd taken. They split up the chapter last time because it was 20 pages long and we only read 10 so at the next meeting they will be doing the second half of the third chapter so I don't have to worry about taking anything next week, just the reading... oh, the reading... *headdesk*

I have a hard time reading. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm in the process of getting tested for dyslexia. The letters don't reverse when I read, but the words swim on the page and I've was told it could be a form of the reading disorder. Strange for a writer, but I wouldn't be the only writer in history to have it if that's what's going on. I've tried one colored paper, but while it looked nice, it was the wrong color because the words still swam. So, someone else usually reads for me at the writers groups.


CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Sun, 10/23/2011 - 13:57
So what does your writer's group do? Are you taking turns on a novel or do you write short stories or what?
PropertyofWyatt's picture
Submitted by PropertyofWyatt on Mon, 10/24/2011 - 10:51
We read 10 pages of whatever story we're working on - each person has their own story, and there's a couple there that are co-authors of one. So we go through maybe 7-8 sets of 10 pages a week and the group critiques the stories.

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