

Shared on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 15:07

Its funny how his rating has plummetted through the roof in recent weeks.  I never really liked him to begin with.  I got sick of hearing how he was a trailblazer in golf.   Calvin Peete was a trailblazer in golf and still couldn't play at the Masters when I was a kid.  However, people still suck on the teat of corporate made heroes and then expect these athletes to carry some high moral standard that they've probably never had.  I mean, for one, he gets in front of the mic and says, "Hello, world!" and then has Nike commercials out within a couple weeks saying it.  You just can't know who is for real and who isn't.  Most really good athletes are pampered at a very young age and can get away with treating people like crap because they can get away with it.  Tiger probably treated these women like garbage that he was banging, because he could and thought because he was Tiger he could get away with it.  To be honest, I don't care about that.  If he wants to cheat on his wife a billion times and do that to her, that's their business.  I care that his kids will never be able to hide from those facts and will have to grow up knowing it... of course, they'll be able to cry into 1000 dollar bills, but still.  What will they become?  How will they treat others?  Is it Tiger's fault?  Media?  People buying into all this?

I'm just sick of how the athlete is idolized so much by society.  Don't get me wrong, I love sports as much or more than the average person, but come on.  Think of the majority of good athletes you knew growing up.  Think about how many of them got away with shit around school, how much they were pampered, their attitudes towards others, girlfriends, etc.  And most of them were probably only locally good.  Now, I'm not saying all great athletes are dinks, but to think that they have a pristine soul is ridiculous.  The smart ones know how to put on the mask in front of the cameras for the almighty dollar, but do you honestly think they give two shits about what people think?  Only if it takes money out their pocket.  Will I still watch sports? Buy the occasional memorabilia item?  Sure.  However, I am not one to think because they are a great athlete, that they are a great person.  I'll just admire their athletic talent (and still admire Tiger for his great golf), just like I admire great thinkers.  I'm sure Galileo behind closed doors was like, "I'm Galileo, bitch, now TAKE IT!"

On a side note, I'm wondering how the sports world will ever be able to clean itself up?  It just sucks that people are either linked to PEDs, or doing things that are borderline, or aren't illlegal yet.  Part of me just wants to say, hey, get all juiced up and go... you're here for my entertainment, making tons of cash, and probably could care less about the average person anyway, but there are still those that are doing it the right way and are genuinely good people.  I just wonder how much room is left in sports for them?


MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 15:56
Fuck Tiger. This would have been over day 1 if he'd come out to the reporters and said, my wife got angry because she found out I've been bangin' broads, she kicked my ass and i crashed my car. Thanks and good night. Instead he said 'stay the fuck out of my private life', which anyone who'd enjoyed the ungodly amount of money and success at the hands of the public should know that, while it may be fair, is not going to win you any support whatsoever. And how the fuck do you sympathize with a fucking asshole who can tell the cops to take a hike rather than having to sit the fuck down and answer questions, like the rest of us would? FUCK ATHLETES AND ALL FAMOUS ASSHOLE DOUCHEBAGS
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 17:14
You had me at "teat".
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 17:16
I agree with you. Fuck Tiger. I'm sick of hearing about him, her and them everyday on the news. Who gives a shit?
DaRedneck's picture
Submitted by DaRedneck on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 17:57
The constant barage from the media is getting old. So he screwed some women and was unfaithful. Okay, he is a douche for that but the same fat cat business tycoons and holier than thou news anchors that are distancing themselves and outting Tiger are the same fatcats that are in there banging the same women right after the door hits Tiger in the ass on the way out. Tiger was indeed wrong and is an ass but last I checked he never stood up and said, "Hey, I want to be the roll model for today's youth and also wanna be held to the same moral standards as the Pope". Unlike Tiger, I got 99 problems but a b1tch ain't one! LOL! (j/k ladies)
sicrik's picture
Submitted by sicrik on Wed, 12/16/2009 - 18:33
The days of sport stars being role models is over, too much money, sponsorships, and pampering. .....my opinion....its ridiculous that someone throwing a ball makes more money than a Doctor, or Professor. My idea: Have a drug Olympics....have everyone juiced up, on roids, and every other performance enhancing drug, and then see who is the best. The losers will ween themselves out due to overdosing and heartattacks!!!!

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