

Shared on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 18:38

I went to Blockbuster over the weekend to rent King Kong to boost my gamerscore for the Xbox Challenge. When I got there they didn't even have it, so insted I picked up Prey because I remembered someone posting that it was generous with the AP. Well, it certainly is... but what I didn't count on was how awesome the game is! I am so glad they didn't have King Kong in because if they did, I may never have played Prey. If you are a fan of adventure type games, definately pick this game up. It's a FPS but it feels like a great adventure game. The graphics are great too (not GOW great.... but great all the same), and it has some unique features, such as wall walking and "spirit walking" which lets your spirit travel places your body can't get to. Plus it's cool that when you die, you don't really die, but are sent to this "other world" where you shoot demons in this mini-game to get power back. I highly recommend this game, but do rent it, because it's on the short side and multi-player is just so-so.


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