Tomahawk - Capt. Midnight (live)


Shared on Tue, 08/14/2007 - 19:13

This is Mike Patton of Faith No More with his band Tomahawk performing the song Capt. Midnight.  Those of you who beat the game The Darkness should recognize it because it is the song that plays during the credits.  Mike Patton is also the voice of The Darkness in the game.  I love Faith No More so I picked up Mit Gas by Tomahawk and I think it is great.  It reminds me a little of King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime.  Tomahawk is much more accessable than some of Mike Patton's other projects such as Fantomas and Peeping Tom (although I like some of that stuff too).  I recommend it to any Faith No More fans that wish they would get back together (like me).


darththorn's picture
Submitted by darththorn on Sun, 11/18/2007 - 23:07
Love Tomahawk, saw them live back in 2004. I do not like the new album though.

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