WTF! blocked at my work!


Shared on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 18:57

Well, it started out like any other Monday.  Shitty.  It was snowing, I was late for work and overtired from playing WOW too late.  So I sit down at my desk, and do what I always do when I first get on my work PC.  Head right over to  And what do I find?  A big fucking red hand saying that it is a forbidden site and access is denied.  Now this isn't the first time I've seen this message.  In fact, every other major gaming site (IGN, 1up,, etc.) has been banned from my workplace for quite some time.  But, up until now 2old2play was overlooked by big brother and was my salvation from gaming withdrawls.  Now I'm fucked.  My buddy Snafu5293 (who works for the same company) and I must have raised some flags with all the time we spent on the site.  This is a fuck!

Anyways, now that I'm done venting my anger, I would like to thank Gatsu for taking a few Punisher images I collected and turning them into my new super badass sig.  Awesome work!



Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 19:07
Sucks dude. They figured it out at my company about three months ago. I guess 2old2play has made the big-time. BTW, got friends in Marlboro...Natick and Medway, too.

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