Cocky Mother Fuckers...


Shared on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 08:42
Aright, I admit it.  I'm a hater.  An anti-EA ranting lunatic at times, but it's reasons like this that I feel the way I do about the giant publishing phallus.

EA released that they sold 2 million copies and made 100 million dollars in the first week of Madden 07's release making it the fastest selling Madden game in history.  You know what...woo-FUCKING-hoo!  The only reason those numbers were achieved was because there is no FUCKING COMPETITION!  If they hadn't bought up the exclusivity rights to everything with an oblong pigskin they would never have acheived those kind of results. 

If you take a look at the average rating scores for Madden over the past few years you'll see that the franchise has actually been rating lower every year.  Madden 04 was getting scores of 9+ from all of the reviewers out there and this year they are dipping as low as 7.  To me that indicates they are only staying on top by default.  On the flip side EA's biggest football rival, NFL 2k series, got better scores every year.

The fact that they have the balls to make a press release about how great and successful their franchise is sickens me.  It's the exact kind of self-serving bullshit that drives my hatred for them.  With every fiber of my being, with the very essence of my life force, I despise them.

It's pretty fucking easy to declare yourself number one when you're the only one in the race, assholes.


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