I'm a Big Man...


Shared on Wed, 08/16/2006 - 10:04
No, not like that. Get your minds out of the gutter (although I actually am a BIG man ). I'm actually talking about the fact that I can admit when I'm wrong.

In my post earlier this morning (shameless plug to get you to scroll down and read it) I stated that M$ never gives you anything for free, but I have been proven wrong. In the news (gaming news that is) today is the story that the upcoming Texas Hold 'Em (THE) game will be FREE! Well, at least, for the first 48 hours. But that is still huge news.

A few months ago a statement made it out that the game was going to be free and it illicted exclamations of joy throughout the gaming community. Then later that statement was recinded and the angry mob started to form. Poor company PR reps and those high level managers that have been brave enough to do interviews have been assaulted by angry gamers wanting to know why they aren't getting what they were promised.

As a way of compromising M$ is offering THE free for the first 48 hours of release. Essentially that means that everyone with a 360 and a Live account as of 8/23 will get a free copy of a game that they are planning on charging $10 in the future. So they are keeping their word to the current crowd of Live subscribers while still allowing themselves to prey upon the new members as they come on board.

This may actually work to their advantage being that with a couple million people playing there will be an enormous community and newcomers will be more eager to drop $10 on the game that is a hit. However that is assuming that the game turns out to be as good as promised. Personally I think it has a very good chance. The idea of a permanent bankroll tied to your GT (that you don't have to shell out real $$$ for) that will determine the level of rooms and competitions you are allowed in is a great one. It should weed out the serious players from the casual players from the assholes fairly quickly and that is always a good thing.

I'm looking forward to the game (and I'm sure my wife will like it too) and will be downloading it next Wednesday for sure.

Well M$, here's a rare (but well earned) nod of appreciation from the Q.


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