do you one better.....


Shared on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 10:42

ok, you know what? i'll give you thant my last blog was a little aggressive. but as a person who has genereally tried extremely hard not to get in the middle of all the clan drama, and all i have gotten for my trouble is to watch loud mouths continue to jaw jack about things just for the sake of seeing their words in print. you guys call getting fed up a temper tantrum. But let me ask you, and be honest, how many times in life can you listen to people rip friends before you just wanna throw patio chairs off the roof? dont get me wrong, its fun to do, but it something you really only do when your pissed and can afford to buy new ones. thats how i have felt for the last week around here. and generally once a month. theres always someone making some smart ass comment, being butt hurt about whatever situation. so for any of you that had an issue with what i wrote before, that felt the need to trash me for it, if you dont get it now, then theres no help, and feel free to avoid clicking on the slap chop dude when you see him up there.

dont get me wrong, there are some very decent people here. there are some folks with tact, intelligence, and understanding. but, there seems to be more and more people that are here more just to stir the pot to see what happens, and for the last year, it has become progressively makes. which is really sad, being that at one point i found this community really enjoyable. its too bad.......




R0kst4r's picture
Submitted by R0kst4r on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 10:58
see your the kind of asshole i was talking about. the kind of person that makes "the website for the older gamer" a fucking hateful place. if thats what your aiming for then your doing a fantastic job. you call it criticism, you ever try to do that shit in a constructive manor? keep you BS up, you make my point for me. and if you want me to keep it to myself, keep shit like what you wrote to YOURSELF, it gives me less to talk about.....
SirRoberts's picture
Submitted by SirRoberts on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 11:00
I seriously wanted to know... how are you allowed to be a member of 2 sites or did they not update the C.O.C. yet??? You have what they wanted... your "own" site... go enjoy all the cool stuff over there...
R0kst4r's picture
Submitted by R0kst4r on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 11:05
roberts, you have no clue, theres never been any kind of rule like that, nor will there be, at least on that end. this is a community. and one that until recently was very enjoyable. and i would go enjoy all the cool stuff over there, but i got some extra free time and really just wanted to say hi to you sir, hope your doing well.
SirRoberts's picture
Submitted by SirRoberts on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 11:10
I am doing alright.... my gaming has been cut down a bit since my 2nd daughter was born early April... and I don't get the best of sleep at nights right now. Other then that, life is good and it is FRIDAY!!!! So I should be able to bust out some MW2 tonight and tomorrow night to get recharged for next week!!! How about you... well other than the obvious??
Walladog's picture
Submitted by Walladog on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 11:17
That was constructive. Notice the absence violent lewdity, curse words and colorful sexual metaphors. Here is what I would suggest, (being constructive now). Step 1) Buy a dictionary, look up melodrama (okay, I know. That may take awhile. I will give you the definition but I STILL want you to get a dictionary) melodrama : a dramatic form that does not observe the laws of cause and effect and that exaggerates emotion and emphasizes plot or action at the expense of characterization. Step 2) Do the opposite of that. Step 3) Buy a Thesaurus (No, thats not the spitting dinosaurs from Jurassic Park. Look up thesaurus in the dictionary you are going to buy...then buy it at the store.) Step 4) Clean up your lewd and violent musings. If you make angry violent statements at should not come as a surprise that they don't like you. I hope this has helped. As far as this being a hateful are the one being hateful. No one has posted anything venomous about you or your clan. I have been here a lot longer than you sir. In fact I have been a member here longer than you have been eligible to join the site. The most constuctive thing I can give you is to encourage you to move on. If this site and its members make you so angry that you are going to start destroying property and threatening probably makes more sense to release you back into the wild to be with your own kind. Remember : Winners never quit, quitters never win...but those that never quit AND never win are idiots.
JohnnyCornholer's picture
Submitted by JohnnyCornholer on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 11:23
Thesaurus isn't a spitting dinosaur?!?!
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 11:49
Ha! Next you're going to tell me a concordance isn't a bird.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 12:00
Walladog, R0kst4r said some things that he later regretted then came back and made an attempt to mend the fence. The mature response to that is NOT to go off and insinuate that he's a child, but rather to say something like, "No worries, dude. We're all passionate about things we care about." Don't stir the pot and then claim to eschew all the drama.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 12:01
P.S. - Dilophosaurus is the spitting dinosaur. Dilophosaurus.
Walladog's picture
Submitted by Walladog on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 12:12
@lotus - I don't forgive easily...but I am trying. :) Plus, he didn't seem flowers, a scented candle...nothing. Also I think you are wrong, Dilophosaurus is a book of poetry quotes. I think all in iambic pentameter (how do you spell iambic?) You are thinking of a Gothapottomus.
IamDank's picture
Submitted by IamDank on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 12:24
Jurassic Park was an awesome movie!
SirRoberts's picture
Submitted by SirRoberts on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 12:28
Gothapottomus or Lickalotapus?
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 13:32
I prefer the elusive Vagisaurus.
P_Train_of_Love's picture
Submitted by P_Train_of_Love on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 13:49
or its hot friend Lickalottapus.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 13:51
Being an Orgisaurus, let me channel my father for a second.....ahem...."If any of you were 'mature' you wouldn't be playing those kids' video game things in the first place. lazing around the house talking to unemployed hippies who are probably high up on the LSD. You should grow up, act your age, settle down and have some kids. after all, since your sister can't be bothered to have any, I have to rely on your lazy ass to give me grand kids and I'm tired of waiting." Ok, I went a bit far there, but you get the idea. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to acting like I'm working so my boss doesn't realize I haven't actually done any actual work for the past 3 weeks (but my Peggle scores have never been higher!)
JohnnyCornholer's picture
Submitted by JohnnyCornholer on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 14:37
No hiphopapotamus?
Walladog's picture
Submitted by Walladog on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 14:40
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 16:38
"R0kst4r says: meemoos, go fall off your high horse." **************** R0kst4r says: "but, there seems to be more and more people that are here more just to stir the pot to see what happens" that would be YOU
TahoeAzzKicker's picture
Submitted by TahoeAzzKicker on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 16:38
Megasaurass is the proper definition.
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 16:50
found another one of your ATTACKS "R0kst4r says: hey memoos, grow up. clan protection does not mean run your damn mouth cause you got free time." DICKasaurus?
TenaciousGinger's picture
Submitted by TenaciousGinger on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 17:27
smallpenissaurus ?
ONTHEGAS's picture
Submitted by ONTHEGAS on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 18:18
Holy shit!!! I just read your comment Lotus and nearly swallowed my tobacco. You can't be serious, you of ALL people telling others what the "mature" response should be. On top of that, to not "stir the pot". Watch this dog salivate people. I said something about swallowing. Now Lotus will come back with a gay reference and show you his maturity. I hear the bell ringing Lotus, let the drooling begin....
waterboy's picture
Submitted by waterboy on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 18:57
Dilophosaurus is the spitting dinosaur from Jurassic Park. I googled it. BTW, just call me the Fountainofuselessknowledgeasaurus..
Walladog's picture
Submitted by Walladog on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 19:46
chilligan's picture
Submitted by chilligan on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 20:12
I think you were looking for RHYMEnocerus to go with Cornholers hiphopapotamus
R0kst4r's picture
Submitted by R0kst4r on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 21:09
see, now theres the humor and fun that makes this site enjoyable. and walla, i did buy you a reed difuser, but i drank the stuff......
jhnyaplesed's picture
Submitted by jhnyaplesed on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 00:52
WAIT A TICK> I think we have missed the most important thing. Why are the patio chais on the roof? Wouldnt that make them roof chairs, and would you ever desire to throw said chairs off the patio. It seems like an awful lot of effort to throw the chairs up on the roof then climb up there your self to throw the chairs back down. Why not just kick the dog?
R0kst4r's picture
Submitted by R0kst4r on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 02:59
LMAO cause kicking the dog would cause PETA to forget michael vick, and i just couldn't live with that.....
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 06:50
ONTHEGAS said "Holy shit!!! I just read your comment Lotus and nearly swallowed my tobacco. You can't be serious, you of ALL people telling others what the "mature" response should be. On top of that, to not "stir the pot". Watch this dog salivate people. I said something about swallowing. Now Lotus will come back with a gay reference and show you his maturity. I hear the bell ringing Lotus, let the drooling begin...." Must.....resist.......retort.....urge........
Walladog's picture
Submitted by Walladog on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 10:50
If you want to put your thoughts out there for people to a big boy....then you have to be prepared for the a big boy. Pull up your big boy pants and man up. Instead of the rest of us feeling free to avoid the slap chop about you feel free to keep your loudmouthed venomous pouty tirade to yourself.

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