Shared on Wed, 04/30/2008 - 06:38Well last night GTA IV multiplayer was down (on the PS3 anyway) I was kind of glad because it gave me a chance to play the single player and figure out the control's.. I'm still having a hard time taking cover and blind firing the way I should be.. This game has a funny story line to it.. I will go out out here and say GOY 08 for sure only game I think I will enjoy more will be Little Big Planet. .. I mentioned in my blog yesterday how sleepy I was yesterday.. I can't get over it. I was run down.. In my younger days I would work all night on my race cars get up the next morning and goto work.. Yesterday I was worthless like tits on a bull.. It's a good thing I work with for myself or I would have been fired.. I don't think I will take part in the midnight release deal any more it's just not worth it to me.. I can pick it up the next day.. No more staying up all night...lol
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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/30/2008 - 09:06