Super Smash Bro's


Shared on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 13:46
I went this morning to Best Buy to see if I could get a copy of Super Smash Bro's for the Wii.. Well I couldn't get over the line when I got there must have been 60 people there. I walked up to the line and a Best Buy guy handed me a sheet of paper saying I had scored a Wii... WHAT THE HECK I DON"T WANT A Wii I already have one I thought.. But I held onto it to give to a family.. I didn't want to give it to a someone like myself who didn't really need it I wanted to give it to some 10 year old kid who wanted it more then life it's self.. The doors open and the crazy ass people rush in knocking into each other like those papers they held were jokes or something.. Well I see some dad trying to get his kids out of there cars he shows up at 11am just as the store open's like he had a chance, he come's running up to the door dragging his kids little legs.. I stop in front of him to give him the paper and be a hero and he push's me out of the way and say's GET THE FUCK out of my way!!!!!!!! WHAT THE????? I go in the store get my copy of Super Smash Bro's rip that paper up and thats my store... I still can't get over it.


Lunatik-ZX's picture
Submitted by Lunatik-ZX on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 14:41
the only thing i would have done is ... stay in the way and call who needs a wiii shout it loud ansd clear ... looking at the daddy if he says me ... you say get the fuck out of the way ... thatll teach him
racerchaser's picture
Submitted by racerchaser on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 16:30
I should have your correct.. I think I was shocked
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 21:44
No good deed goes unpunished. I would have bought that wii and sold that fucker on ebay.

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