Shared on Sun, 02/22/2009 - 10:43Greetings all,
There was a great achievement in my household last night and I thought I would share with all of you.
We had our office Christmas/New Year/Hurry-up-Spring party last night at one of the local establishments, about 50 people, some good pasta and drinks for all. It was enjoyable, but really after about 3 hours of hanging out with the people I hang out with every day I was pretty much ready to go. So we head home, we being my girlfriend and I. We get home and crack open a few beers and its only like 9:45pm so we're just sitting around talking and this wonderful woman who frankly doesn't understand gaming(she's totally supportive of it, bought me my 360 as a present even, but doesn't understand how I can sit and do something in front of the tv for 3 hours(though when told she can watch a movie for that long...well thats 'different')) suddenly says "Do you want to play Halo?"
Me: "With you?"
Her: "Yes"
Me: "Seriously?"
Her: "Yes"
Me: "Seriously"
Her: <glaring> "Yeah, seriously"
Me: "Hell yeah"
So we go downstairs, beers in hand and I fire up the xbox and get everything set up. Since she's never played a shooter game before I go into a custom game on the map that used to be lockout(I think its Blackout now?) figuring that with all the guided movement areas she could learn to move and turn and even jump a bit without much trouble. I will say this, I never really appreciated who hard it can be for someone to learn to use 2 different axis's of movement. For me it just comes naturally.
Anyway, there's a slight delay because I've never logged in another person under my live account and it took me about 4 minutes to figure out how to do that, heh. The map loads up and I explain to her about moving the legs with the left stick and moving the torso with the right and that she really shouldn't worry about up and down movement with the right, just side to side, or else she'd get really messed up.(which of course happened quite a bit, but oh well.)
I explain the trigger setups and she promptly fired off 2 grenades and blew herself up, heh. Showed her how to reload and pick up a new weapon. She picked up the sword so I showed her she could swing it normal or wait until the icon turned red and lunge with it(she liked the sword the best). I showed her how to use the stick to zoom in with the sniper rifle and how to crouch with the left stick. I explained that if you used the crouch while standing over your dead opponent - that's t-bagging.
So she's having fun, I'm letting her shoot me, sword kill, and punch me(which always seemed to elicit a laugh). She's learning to move a bit better, though at times she'd get messed up because of looking straight up or down. Having fun with the air lift, etc.
For me, its a bit difficult because I'm trying to play on a split screen which I've never done before. But all in all we are having a good time.
Then this....
I'm standing in the middle of the map, she shoots me and runs up and punches me, kills me dead. I say "good job" and wait for respawn. Now again, I'm having to concentrate pretty hard on the top half of the screen so I don't mess myself up with taking in information from both halves so I'm not paying attention to the bottom of the screen. I respawn, orientate myself, and start heading back to the middle of the map. I pop up the air lift, jump the gap and...
Me: "WTF....Are you t-bagging me!!?!?!?"
Yes my friends, this woman, love of my life, had shot me, punched me in the head and while I was returning, had moved to my dead body and was t-bagging the hell outta my corpse.
Good times....
- Raider30
ps: Today I'll explain that for her the term would be 'peach-punch', but last night it slipped my mind.
- Raider30's blog
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Submitted by TDrag27 on Sun, 02/22/2009 - 12:10
Submitted by agedsandshark on Sun, 02/22/2009 - 13:22
Submitted by Snuphy on Sun, 02/22/2009 - 13:39