

Shared on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:15

What are your thoughts on this?  I like the idea but don't see it working for up and coming bands.  Radiohead has the fan base to pull it off.  If your favorite band did it and the cd was good-what would you pay?


On Monday, Radiohead sent shock waves through the music biz with the announcement that its new album, "In Rainbows," will be released for download from next Wednesday. The price? Whatever you choose. You elect how much to pay, be it 1 cent, $15 or $100. After releasing all six of its previous albums with Capitol Records, Radiohead doesn't currently have a record contract. "In Rainbows" will be available as a DRM-free MP3 download.


Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:23
Its nice to see they are taking this route. I am not a fan of their music. But its a hammer blow to a nail in the coffin for the music industry and their over priced albums.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:23
If anyone was gonna do this, it's not surprising that it turned out to be Radiohead. Makes me want to buy the album and pay a decent amount to say F U RIAA....unfortunately I don't think they'll make too much off of it.
cerialthriller's picture
Submitted by cerialthriller on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:24
I think this model would work great for artists, they make 100% of the money from the sales, which, when they are in a contract can be only a few cents per disc sold. Even if people pay 50 cents to download it, they still make money then they would have with a contract per disc sold. It's also a good way to gain exposure and fans, I'm personally not a radiohead fan, although I do like a few of their songs, but if I remember this I would definately throw a few bucks their way and download this to check it, but more so to support the business model. Who knows if I really like the album I'd definately consider going to see a live show next time they come around, which is where they make most of their money anyway.
rayrayfiftytwo's picture
Submitted by rayrayfiftytwo on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:27
Unfortunately, most bands aren't going to have the distribution channels to sell enough copies on their own.
cerialthriller's picture
Submitted by cerialthriller on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:38
no they wont, but if they can find a way to make it viral like these leave britney alone you-tube videos they could strike gold. Even linking from sites of larger bands that do it could really help. If it got big it wouldn't be long before there were sites out there that hosted links to bands doing this cataloged by genre, if this takes off it could mean huge advertising dollars for a central database type of thing. I would be much more inclined to give new music a chance if it didnt cost me $18 to check out a new band.
Fetal's picture
Submitted by Fetal on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:43
i love radiohead, and i think their fan base is loyal enough to actually pay for these downloads, if even only a little bit. i think this is a good marketing ploy though. it will help set the market and see what people are really willing to pay for music they like.
rayrayfiftytwo's picture
Submitted by rayrayfiftytwo on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 14:44
I need to call my lawyer.
RoyalMartinez's picture
Submitted by RoyalMartinez on Tue, 10/16/2007 - 13:13
well raray i oficcialy want to fight you ,bare fists in your face blood on my hand and you criying for momy , but we are older now and we suppose to be mature people ,well to some point but we are man and i still want to kick your asss but because i im in my third world country i cannot ,your so lucky..
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sat, 10/06/2007 - 13:02
I really dig Radiohead. So I'll be getting it for sure. I would prefer owning an actual disc though.... Hopefully they will be high quality and not just compressed MP3s.

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