You've gotta be kidding...


Shared on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 19:52

I'm not sure if this is funny or disturbing...   I'm going with disturbing



Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 22:06
dude wtf
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Sun, 05/30/2010 - 22:36
DAMN!! Did you see the baby (at the end) next to him playing with the gun? WACK!!
Bonecollektor's picture
Submitted by Bonecollektor on Tue, 06/01/2010 - 21:41
I watched this the other day! This is pure fucking insanity. The next kid they squeeze out is going to be addicted to smack!

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