Just an Update


Shared on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 15:13

Well, it has been a while since my last post. It has been rough here lately. My wife's grandfather passed away last weekend. He had been suffering for quite some time from multiple things with the main one being a blood clot in his lungs. My wife's family is real tight knit, and therefore this was very hard on them. But, at the same time they are releaved that he is no longer suffering and in a far better place.

Today I learned that my dad (only 57) had been back in the hospital again. His has had lung problems for a LONG time now. Starting about 9 months ago it really got worse. The doctor told him at the beginning of the year he could not travel anymore due to the fact that every time he did, he ended up in the hospital upon his return. His breething compacity had gone from 35% to 27%. He is on alot of prescriptions and breething treatments. After about 3 months, his compacity was back up to 33%. No one has been able to tell him why any of this is happening now. He has been to specialists in Jacksonville Florida, and also to Vanderbilt University.

He ended up back in the hospital the end of last weekend. Come to find out that now his breething compacity is down to 20%. So they gave him the option to stay in the hospital or go home and have care from home. He picked to go home. So now he has an IV at home and has to take all kinds of medicine to try to get better. Every couple of days a nurse comes by to bring him more medication and to take blood samples to see how much of the drugs are in his blood. Anyway, as many of you know, I missed our family vacation this year to have surgery on my nose (breething problems). It was in Hilton Head, where my dad and stepmom live, and I was able to talk my wife into taking the kids down to see them and go on the vacation even though I was having the surgery. Man, I wish I would have gone now. There is no telling if there will be one next summer or not.

Anyway, just keep my family in your prayers. It seems like gaming is one of the only things to help keep my mind off things.


NoGame22's picture
Submitted by NoGame22 on Thu, 10/12/2006 - 16:01
didn't know that your wife's grandfather passed away. Sorry to hear about that, it is always hard to lose a grandparent. I always thought they were going to live forever until I lost my grandfather 2 1/2 years ago to cancer. Also sorry to hear about your dad man. I know how it is to have sick parents as you know about my mom. I am sure everything will turn out fine it almost always does. See you in the lobby.

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