Shared on Wed, 04/26/2006 - 05:43

Hi all!,

I think this will be a short one today just covering a couple of things that happened recently.

First off 2 teams of betrayers YAY


This game started with a couple of people on my team betraying, i personally got killed twice i think ,then they started playing for real(if you could call it that).

The blue team ended up with 2 people getting booted/quiting and didnt really recover.

In my last update, mentioned how the game picks your team mates,and how the system must be geared towards matching groups not just through their rank but also how many are in the party.

As for me, i would suspect that the likleyhood of being matched against a group of 4 to be low although i do believe it has happened.Ive come to the conclussion that the slayer gametype will match lone player against lone players and equal numbered groups (3+1v3+1, 2+2v2+2 ect).

I have come to this conclussion through the amount of people who have quit games on my team and the opposing team.In these games people seem to quit in 1s and 2s  ( and occasionally3s) which would give the impression that the numbers of the people who are joining the game.

In my last entry i aired the point that the best possible situation for the lone player entering slayer would be to have you matched with a group of 3, hopfully leading to a bit more communication and team work............... how wrong could i be!.


I had 3 people from the same clan in the last game i played they all quit together (cheers for that boys) the game started badly for me as i somehow manged to fall of the map twice DOH!, and not really racking the kills up.

The game really only got good after they quit, and i had to start some covert ops!, sneaking about trying to catch the guys 1v1, they had all the BRs snipe shotty, sword, ect there really wasnt much to use t,hey tried just sending 1 guy after me to flush me out for the snipe, after this failed they sent in 2, i actually got a double kill AFTER my team mates quit.

As part of the my rules of engagment, i wont quit games although going 12k-23d in this game has totally shafted my kill/death ratio!LOL

On another subject i want to discuss the host situation on these games, they have all but a small few which ill mention been really good, i personally have got host boxes3 times in the 60 games played, iam unsure how many times i was host, my eyes arnt quick enough to scan the players joining the game!!.

Anyway, when i have been playing with other people from the u.k. especially, double team with my brother i have found that say 60% of the games suffer due to latency and less so bad lag,sometimes the latency is "map specific"  maps like elongation and ivory tower (why this is i have no idea)  being the worst culprits for disputed kills in double team with my brother.

During these games in this experiment i have i think ,only played 3 games with other europeans, one game of snipes on lock out,2 dutch guys, and the connection was yellow-red for all players, all the way through the game, a bad sign in a sniper game!

The second game was the most  recent zanzibar game, when i had an englishman on my team,both games suffered badly due to latency.

The games where it  is 7 other americans in the party and me, worked well with no problems why is this?.

The only real connclussion  that i can come up with and this is in lay mans terms as i have next to no experience in this arena.What i think is happening is that when their is more than one person in a game from outside the U.S  all the game imformation for these players is being sent through the same way,  slowing up the game on their side(latency) if there is just 1 guy from outside the U.S = less information travelling the same way =l ess latency?.

 This has been in 99% of my games, 7U.S gamers +me! and the game is fine!, add another person from outside the U.S and the game slows, i would assume that it doesnt matter which teams has the non - U.S player, the slow down will happen.

 So theres something to ponder!,

 if you have any ideas on this subject ,or question leave a comment, thanks for reading.

till next time


AnUmpaLumpa's picture
Submitted by AnUmpaLumpa on Wed, 04/26/2006 - 11:21
Man it sounds like youve been doing somke hardcore gaming on Halo2! I gave up after i got my 360, but it was mainly due to timmies and the gamers who seem to know the maps more intimately than their own bodies. "Boom Headshot" has been uttered far too many times into my ear that matchmaking was more a chore than fun.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 04/26/2006 - 12:40
Youre in Edinburgh? NICE! I did a 18 day tour of the UK last Sept, did Ireland, Scottland and England. We spent 2 days in Edinburgh and i loved it. It was my 2nd favorite place we visited. I thought it was so cool to have this modern city and stuff and this castle looming in the distance. how cool is that! My wife and I had a great time in Scottland. I actually liked Inverness the most, but Scottland got my vote of a place I want to return to visit.
REDRooK's picture
Submitted by REDRooK on Thu, 04/27/2006 - 14:16
i seldome hear that nonsense anymore it was a fad all u get is "u got owned/worked ect ect" Scotland is a lovely place could do with more sun though!!!

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