Shared on Fri, 11/28/2008 - 10:37Black Friday is here again. Today's the day that most feared and looked forward to at the same time. If your like me, you always dream of making the deals of a lifetime so all your loved ones will have a great Christmas because you turned one dollar into two or even three this year making this one the one of the lifetime. There is however, one slight problem, SO DOES EVERYBODY ELSE! Where do they all come from? You have the diva's txt omg, bff, and like just totally taking up space. The younger kid's believe the mall is Disney Land and turn it into a park. You have the elderly who can't help being slow but will get on your nerves anyway. You have the soccer mom's who KNOW they're better than you and you should fall at their feet and worship. Then you have those who can't make up their mind to take salvation if it was judgement day, and still won't move. Then there are those who just want to look then come back later to hope to find a better deal. Now comes the check writers. WE HAVE DEBIT CARDS NOW YOU STUPID SLOW TO LEARN FOUL SMELLING WASTES OF SPACE!!!!!!! This makes me want to break their little pens, feed them their DL's and purchase them a one way coach seat on the next shuttle. Lastly you have those who take up space in the food court so it's impossibe to eat unless you want to stand and the temps that are working in the stores that can't find their ass by gps. Thank God, all of our's can all be shopped for online so we no longer have to face this shit. If you must go out today, be safe and try not to let the madness get too you. If it does, I will been online later and will allow myself to be used as cannon fodder to make you feel better. For a price of course. One last thing, just for the record, I DON'T TAKE NO ^%$%^&*&&%^*&&%#@!!@#$ CHECKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace out.
- revslow's blog
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