Shared on Fri, 11/27/2009 - 09:21Being Disabled, I tend to feel like our Nation's hard times hits me greater than it does some of the rest. On my way home from PT I pass by a Wal-mart and a decent size shopping mall. Most are packed at this time of year. This year was just scary. I got caught by the traffic light and saw row after row of empy parking and no long lines leaving as well. Where did all the people go? Are more shopping online to escape the madness or has the South just gotten slapped harder than the rest? In my area, all the factories are either closed or laying off leaving people to try to support familie's on the meager wages of service industry and unemployment. Then I saw all the eating places with no waiting and made up my mind that we are indeed in dire straits. I'm not taking sides on which party is better because I'll bet that both are living better than most of us. Face it, if you don't do you job at your's, you butt with be without one. Maybe it's time we done the same for the "fatcats" in DC that go to be every night and sleep well without one single worry about you and I ? God bless America, all of you, and God help us all. Peace out.
- revslow's blog
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